Why Big Eva is the Way it is

The Origins of Today’s Evangelical Church

We’re going to go through just a little bit of American church history so we can understand how the modern church has got to where she is today. 

We’ll talk about some people and events that we don’t usually hear about but were some major influences in the evangelical church, how those influences changed our view of conversion and worship, and why that matters.

Now, there is way too much history to go through, so for the sake of time I’m just going to kind of follow a particular trend and keep it narrowed and focused to a few specific people and circumstances. And make sure you watch this all the way to the end because, by the time we are finished you’ll be asking yourself the same thing I did, “Why on earth do we do this at church?” and “Where is this in the Bible?” 

And I’m going to put the show notes and bibliography in the description and the entire transcript on my website RegularManMinistry.com so if you want to look anything up, I’ve made it really easy and free.

Why Does History Matter?

The average churchgoing Christian relies on the local church for teaching, discipleship, encouragement, fellowship, advice, worship, and really everything pertaining to the Christian life. They rely on the leadership of the church to utilize finances honestly. They rely on the pastor to rightly and effectively exposit and present the Word of God and help the church members actually understand it and apply it to their life. And they rely on the church to understand Christian history and appropriately lead the congregation in corporate worship, liturgy, and the sacraments. But like everything, succussing generations add things, remove things, forget things, and sometimes they even intentionally reject or ignore things. But more often than not, they just don’t know. They just don’t know their history.

Now, I’m going to be critical of one of the newest and largest denominations in America, and if that’s you, don’t get in your feelings. I’m not trashing you or your church. Frankly, I don’t think any denomination has everything 100% right.

But I do think it’s very important to understand how your church understands Scripture and conversion and how that dictates your worship of God. That’s why we have to understand a little bit of liturgy, theology, and doxology, and how that has brought us to where we are today.

Don’t get tripped up over those words.

Theology is the study of God; how you study, interpret, and understand Scripture.

Doxology is how you worship God; a hymn of praise; singing with gratitude and humility.

Liturgy, or “orders of worship,” is just what the congregation does; the pattern of worship. It literally means “work for the people” or “public work.”

So how your local church understands history, Scripture, and the proper worship of God has a direct impact on how you understand history, Scripture, and the proper worship of God.

Some of the biggest influential figures and movements within the rise of today’s American evangelicalism comes from Pentecostalism.

But Before there were Pentecostals, there was the Holiness Movement

Nothing is ever done in a vacuum, especially history. So, we have to know where the country was and in what direction the American Christian orthodoxy was moving before those changes actually happened and we turned the corner.

Read any Christian history book, and you’ll see that everyone always says that Pentecostalism started in Topeka, Kansas in 1901, but that’s only kinda true. Its roots go all the way back to the circuit riders and tent meeting revivals of the Second Great Awakening. The Holiness Movement, along with the “enlightenment,” had widespread and powerful effects on social issues, like the abolition of slavery and women’s suffrage, and eventually that produced the heresy called “the social gospel.”

So what direction were we headed before Topeka, Kansas in 1901?

Second “Great Awakening” and the Holiness Movement

In the early 1800s, recent European events were so far-reaching they were felt in the Christian West. It was in the wake of the French Revolution, the “Enlightenment,” and the advance of secular humanism, that a mix of Methodists, Baptists and a few Presbyterians began evangelizing the frontier in what has been called “The Second Great Awakening.” Itinerate preachers and evangelists would ride horses through particular territories in a circuit. These Circuit Riders would travel from town to town and hold tent meetings, or camp meetings, in order to spread the Gospel in these remote territories. The meetings emphasized revivals through emotionalism and that brought with it several new denominational and societal changes.

Among these changes was the belief that Christians could attain perfect sanctification while here on earth. The emotionalistic and experiential influences from these tent meetings also affected theology by means of increased pietism and what was called a “second blessing,” which largely became the goal of corporate worship and individual prayer life. This was a fundamental change to orthodox Christian theology and, as time progressed, placed an unhealthy pietistic emphasis on the individual’s experiences and feelings during worship.

This was also when Arminianism and Postmillennialism saw significant increase throughout the West and a brand new doctrine called “dispensationalism” was formed and spread like wildfire. Some heresies also sprang up in America, most notably Mormonism.

Social movements like the abolition of slavery started to come to the forefront and feminism quickly took root in America through things like the temperance movement and the restrictions of alcohol. This is also when, for the first time in almost 2 thousand years, these holiness churches began substituting communion wine for grape juice and permitting female leadership in churches. These were huge changes to the church that we never really talk about but we see in every church on every corner.

Now that we have a little bit of historical context about where the country was and where the church was, we will slow down and park around the end of the 1800s. Against this backdrop of liberal European influence, rapid major cultural changes, the advancement of industry, and a flood of grifters and swindlers swarming in and through the West. That is where we turn a corner in the church and find the official beginning of Pentecostalism.

The Beginning of Pentecostalism

In January of 1901, a woman named Agnes Ozman, who was a student at Bethel Bible College, began to speak in an incoherent language that she said was “Chinese” while at the Church of Holiness, ministered by Charles Fox Parham (1873-1929). The movement soon spread from Kansas to Houston where Parham opened a Pentecostal school. A black minister named William J. Seymour (1870-1922), who never went to seminary and had lost an eye to smallpox, traveled through Memphis, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Cincinnati, and Houston to visit a mix of stage performers, grifters, and holiness preachers before attending Parham’s school. There, he met Lucy Farrow, the nanny of Parham’s children. Within a few weeks, Seymour received an invitation to preach at a mission founded by Julia Hutchins and they both went on to Los Angeles. While traveling, he stopped at another holiness church called, “The Pillar of Fire,” in Denver, Colorado. This crazy eccentric holiness church was led by a feminist named Alma White who specialized in “the holy dance,” which she told her followers was evidence of the Holy Spirit.

Seymour arrived in Los Angeles and preached his first sermon in the Holiness Mission on Acts 2:4. But, he was kicked out, and was actually locked out, of the mission by Julia Hutchins after she heard his sermon and became very concerned about what he was saying. Seymour, now homeless, found his way to the home of Richard Asbury, where he began preaching in the living room. 

Then, on April 9th, 1906, during one of his sermons, Seymour fell on the floor in convulsions, started either foaming or drooling at the mouth, and began speaking incoherently. Asbury’s daughter ran out of the house terrified by what she’d seen. Personal testimonials from people who were actually there were printed in the local newspaper Los Angeles Times and described the behavior of these meetings as “Weird babble of tongues,” muttering things like, “‘You-oo-oo you-loo-oo come under the bloo-oo-oo boo-loo.’ Swinging their arms wildly, few words are intelligible, which are listened to in awe from the company.”

Soon, other groups gathered and filled Azusa Street with their own practice of “the holy jerks,” “the holy laughter,” “the holy dance,” “the singing in the spirit,” and “the speaking in tongues.” Members of the occult, swindlers, traveling salesmen, and hypnotists also joined Seymour’s months-long street “revival.”

Out of the Azusa Street Revival emerged a number of different Pentecostal churches and groups. Many of these churches actually started to teach classes on how to speak in tongues, receive a second blessing, achieve financial success, and be healed from sicknesses and diseases. Interestingly, most of the Mega Churches, TV Evangelists, and proponents of the Health, Wealth, and Prosperity gospel are Pentecostal.

Distinctive Ideas in Pentecostal Churches:

·  Three works of grace are justification, sanctification, and “empowerment.”

·  Baptism in the Holy Spirit is viewed as another work of grace in the life of a believer.

·  Speaking in tongues is seen as evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit and some Pentecostal churches even teach that you are not saved unless you speak in tongues

·  Egalitarian (lady pastors and deacons)

·  Premillennial (we’re waiting on the millennial reign of Christ)

·  Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Christians will be whisked away before the world gets really bad and will be spared from the tribulation)

·  Emphasis on Altar Calls and the “every head bowed and every eye closed” declaration of faith.

·  Emphasis on healing ministries and financial blessings

·  United Pentecostal churches, Oneness and Apostolic Pentecostals, view their leaders as prophets and modern-day Apostles. Their messages are considered authoritative and they teach a heresy about the godhead called modalism. (these are people like Steven Furtick and TD Jakes)

Pentecostal Churches:

Assemblies of God, Calvary Chapel, Church of God, Congregational Holiness Church, Elim Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Assemblies, Independent Assemblies of God International, Foursquare Church, International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Open Bible Standard Church, Vineyard Churches International

Major Influences of modern Evangelicalism:

Charles Finney, Billy Sunday, Billy Graham

Everyone knows Billy Graham, and Billy Graham learned from Billy Sunday, and just about everything Billy Sunday used came from Charles Finney.

From the Vineyard movement and the Church Growth Movement to the political and social crusades, televangelism, and Promise Keepers, Finney was a primary influence.

In reaction to the pervasive Calvinism of the First Great Awakening, Finney ministered in the wake of the “Second Awakening,” and placed great emphasis on getting a person to “make a decision.” Finney was a lawyer turner preacher who envisioned a church that was all about personal and social reform. This is where the social gospel actually began to take root. In the nineteenth century, the evangelical movement became increasingly identified with political causes-from the abolition of slavery and child labor laws to women’s rights and the prohibition of alcohol.

In several of his personal writings, Charles Finney described an experience he had one day as “a mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost” which was “like a wave of electricity going through and through me …and seemed to come in waves of liquid love.” The next morning, he informed his first client of the day that he would not be pleading his case, but Christ’s case instead. 

Refusing to attend Princeton Seminary (or any seminary, for that matter), Finney began conducting revivals in upstate New York. Finney and his followers describe his “New Measures” as the “anxious bench” which was the precursor to today’s altar call, and emotional tactics that lead to fainting and weeping, and other “excitements.”

Finney’s Theology

Finney’s entire theology revolved around human morality. And here is the biggest problem. The problem that literally makes him a heretic and a poison to the Church. In his Systematic Theology, Finney asks and answers the question, “Does a Christian cease to be a Christian, whenever he commits a sin?” Finney answers:

“Whenever he sins, he must be condemned; he must incur the penalty of the law of God …The Christian, therefore, is justified no longer than he obeys, and must be condemned when he disobeys or Antinomianism is true … In these respects, then, the sinning Christian and the unconverted sinner are upon precisely the same ground.” (p. 46)

Finney believed that God demanded absolute perfection, but instead of that leading him to seek his perfect righteousness in Christ, he concluded that “… full present obedience is a condition of justification. (p. 57)

Finney’s doctrine of justification is a complete denial of original sin. That’s the understanding that we inherit the sin of Adam and we sin because we’re sinners- the condition of sin determines the act of sin, not the other way around. But Finney followed Pelagius, and Pelagius was a fifth-century heretic who was condemned by more church councils than any other person in church history.

Finney referred to the doctrine of original sin as an “anti-scriptural nonsensical dogma” (p.179). He taught that Adam leads us into sin, not by inheriting his guilt and corruption but by following his poor example. This completely destroys the significance of Christ’s complete and atoning sacrifice as the Second Adam and places justification in the hands of the us. In other words, Finney taught that Jesus died for a purpose, not for people, and he explicitly denied the substitutionary atonement. “The atonement, of itself, does not secure the salvation of any one.” (pg 217)

Like it or not, modern evangelical and liberal Protestantism have their roots in a heretic. Movements like the Church Growth Movement, Seeker Sensitive Movement, and the Health Wealth and Prosperity Gospel, all use Finney’s “New Measures.”

This is also where evangelical churches got the “every head bowed and every eye closed” stuff. It’s all just emotional manipulation. It’s absolutely nowhere in Scripture.

That Leads us to Revivals

Finney knew that his “revivals” were nothing more than man-made manipulation. He said, “A revival is not a miracle, nor dependent on a miracle, in any sense. It is a purely philosophical result of the right use of the constituted means.” Finney admits that his “revivals” were nothing more than playing with people’s emotions.

When pastors of any church or leaders of any ministry emphasize church attendance and church growth above all, or endorse uncontrolled behaviors like barking, babbling, screaming, convulsing, incoherent languages, or say that doctrines are flexible for “inclusion and diversity,” they are just manipulating you and you need to leave that church.

Now, some do it out of ignorance and honestly just don’t know. They’ve learned this stuff from pastors and ministries over the years and just assume it’s biblical.

And others know exactly what they’re doing and ought to be ashamed of themselves.

But either way, intentionally or not, they are manipulating people, just like Finney did. Charles Finney was not a Christian, he was a heretic. And evangelical churches really need to evaluate any teaching, ministry, or worship that has anything to do with Charles Finney.

Next is Egalitarianism

Most big evangelical churches are Pentecostals, and all Pentecostals are Egalitarian. Christian egalitarianism (also known as evangelical feminism) is a byproduct of European political egalitarianism, born out of the French Revolution of 1789-1799. 

What is an Egalitarian?

Egalitarians believe that there are no gender restrictions on what roles men and women fulfill in the church, home, and within the community. However, the pastorship of women directly contradicts Scripture.

In 1 Timothy 2:12-14, Paul writes to Timothy, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.”

This role of leadership of man was established by the order of creation: man, then woman, both with different attributes, gifts, roles, and responsibilities. This reflects the Holy Trinity of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each has unique roles and responsibilities but are all equal as God. The Father has authority over the Son and Holy Spirit, yet that role/responsibility certainly does not diminish Jesus’ value or that of the Holy Spirit. 

The same principle applies to man and woman. Because of God’s will, man has been instructed to have headship over the home as well as spiritual authority within the church.

I’ll go into three of the most common objections that liberal pastors and scholars have, and I’ll respond to them. 

Most Common Objections:

1.     Paul only gives headship to men because the first century women were uneducated so they couldn’t teach men. Modern culture educates both women and men, so now they can.

However, almost every Apostle and disciple in the first century was uneducated by today’s standards. If education were a requirement for leadership, the Apostles and disciples who Jesus chose, and who spread the Gospel to the entire known world would have been disqualified. Also keep in mind, some women in the New Testament, like Pricilla, Lydia, and Phoebe, were educated, but were not church leaders.

2.     These were specific instructions to Timothy and his church in Ephesus and should not be considered an “open letter” to the entire church. Different churches have different rules.

However, Paul also told Titus, who was Pastor in Crete, “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you. An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.” (Titus 1:5-6, NIV) This is clear instruction from Paul that Elders and Pastors must be men of great integrity who have a wife. This shows Paul consistently taught this in other books and to other local churches, and as such, should be considered instructional to the entire church body.

3.     Lastly, (and the least likely because it argues that God made a mistake) Paul (and every translator or transliterator for almost two thousand years) meant to say husbands and wives, not men and women. So, the verse should read, “I do not permit a wife to teach or to assume authority over a husband…”

However, it is obvious from the context that Paul is referring to men and women, not husband and wife. It is true that the Greek words “aner,” and “gune” can be used as both man/husband and woman/wife, but, just look at the context of the previous verses, specifically verses 8-10. “Therefore I want the men (aner) everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. I also want that women (gune) to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women (gune) who profess to worship God. (1 Timothy 2:8-10, NIV). 

These are instructions, not just for husbands and wives, but for single people as well. They are understood to be instructions for men and women in general everywhere. The same exact words are used for both verses 8-10 and 12-14. There is absolutely no contextual reason to change the words within the same chapter, same book, same author, and the same audience, only the desire to conform Scripture to modern feminist culture.

Where to go from Here

Now that we know a little recent church history and where some of the church practices come from in today’s evangelical church, let me ask you, is it in Scripture? 

Should we be practicing emotional manipulation tactics in church that a heretic and a grifter started?

Does your church turn down the lights, turn up the instrumental music, and speak about overly pietistic spirituality and personal feelings and experiences?

Do you bow your heads and close your eyes as people courageously make a public declaration of their faith, by not being seen by anyone?

Is your pastor to rightly and effectively expositing the Word of God and helping you apply it to your life or are you being led by a lady pastor?

Did you know any of this before listening to this podcast?

Does it even matter to you?

Maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t. But at least you know why you do the things you do. 

And that’s why it’s important to know your church’s theology, doxology, and liturgy. Now, if you didn’t know and it does matter to you, you can do some investigating for yourself, do some praying, and make some decisions.

It’s important to know how your local church understands history, Scripture, and the proper worship of God. Because it has a direct impact on how you understand history, Scripture, and the proper worship of God.

Remember to like, share, and subscribe on YouTube and Twitter,

Review on Spotify and iTunes and all that jazz. 

Until Next Time,

Be on alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 

1 Corinthians 16:13

Regular Man Ministry embraces God’s gift of masculinity in the life of the regular man.

Remember: Read, Pray, Lift, and Shoot. Be strong in mind, spirit, and body.




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Synan, Vinson. 1971. The Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth Century Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing co.

Robeck, Cecil M. 2006. The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Espinosa. William J. Seymour and the Origins of Global Pentecostalism: A Biography and Documentary History.

Borlase, Craig. William J. Seymour: A Biography. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2006. Print.

The Apostolic Faith vol. I Nos 1-2, 4-6, 12-13, 1906-1908; C.M. Robeck Jr, art. “Lucy F. Farrow,” The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Ed. Stanley M. Burgess, 2002.

White, Alma. 1949. Demons and Tongues. 

1906, April 18. Most Terrible and Destructive Earthquake. Evening Sentinel (Santa Cruz, CA)

Cox, Harvey. 1995. Fire From Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the 21st Century. De Capo Press.

Parham, Everlasting Gospel, pg 72-73

Brumback, Suddenly from Heaven, pg 64-87; Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles, pg 54-60

Charles G. Finney, Finney’s Systematic Theology. Modern Reformation. (Bethany, 1976).

The Masculine Mandate

Regular Man Podcast

In the last episode, The Church, Men, and Masculinity, we discussed how both the culture, and the church are inundated with feminism, and how that feminism villainizes and repulses men.

Additionally, we discussed how men inherently know there is a story of manhood that calls to us- a masculine mission that God has placed within the heart of each man. A mission in which we fight for justice, order, victory over evil, and the prize of our bride.

We discovered that movies and stories that illustrate the masculine nature of manhood seem to draw us into that narrative, and we increase in admiration and affection of those characters who exude masculinity and motivate us to embrace our part of a much larger story.

We barely scratched the surface of masculinity, speaking about it in a very general sense. So today we’re going to go quite a bit deeper into what masculinity is all about, and we have a lot of Scripture to cover. As I said, I will try to keep this episode around the 30 minutes. But make sure you listen all the way to the end because the last part is the most important part.

Today, we’re going to look at 3 components of masculinity:

The Work of Masculinity

The Attitude of Masculinity

The Application of Masculinity

Now, as you well know, no one respects a man who is all talk. Because all the talk in the world is worthless unless you follow it up with action. You can spend all day studying Scripture and learning all about historical and cultural context, for example, and you can talk a big game like a theologian, but if you don’t actually apply it to your life, all you’ve done is run your mouth like a fool and proven you have no credibility. You just wasted everyone’s time and ruined any chance you had at gaining respect.

In other words, don’t just talk about it, be about it.

So, application is last on this list, but it is by far the most important component.

Although masculinity is deeply ingrained within our male nature, it is also externally gained- it’s a learned behavior. So just because you may not have been taught how to be a masculine man doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to become one. Everyone can learn how to be more masculine, I mean, unless you’re Chuck Norris.

And let me also say that I am in great debt to some amazing authors, pastors, and podcasters for their influence on me and on the content I will put forward on just about every episode of the Regular Man Podcast. Authors like Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant, Zachary Garris, Dale Partridge, and Doug Wilson, and podcasters like Eric Conn and Brian Sauve in the Hard man Podcast and The King’s Hall, and T.J. Sumpter, Chocolate Knox, and the waterboy in Cross Politic. If you haven’t checked those guys out, I highly encourage you to check out those podcasts and authors. You’ll be encouraged, you’ll learn a few things, and if you’re like me, you’ll also be convicted in areas of your life you need to tighten up. I will be referencing much of their content in this episode and in future episodes.

After the last episode was released, I received quite a bit of feedback. Most was very positive feedback from men starved for this kind of content. They wanted more and they were excited for content that gives voice to the things they feel and gives a blueprint for the design of the biblically masculine man.

And then there were others who were, let’s say, less receptive- and less excited. But whether you love it or hate it, keep coming back, watching and sharing, and keep the feedback coming on twitter and YouTube. Even the hate mail. I need something to make fun of.

Now, to get a basic understanding of the first component of biblical masculinity, we’re going to look primarily at two people: Adam, the first man, and Paul, the man who God used to pen most of the New Testament and who established and instructed the first Christian churches in the world.

The Work of Masculinity

Masculine Men Work

One of the first things God did for the first man was to give him the first job. 

(Gen 2:19-20) Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field. That was Adam’s first job.

Think of that. The very first man in history needed a job, even though he lived in a perfect world.

That should tell you that Men need to work.

Men are built for work. We’re designed to work.

And that work is a good thing.

In-fact, it is actually sinful for a man to sit around, be lazy, and not work. Paul straight-up says that if you don’t work, you don’t eat

(2 Thess 3:10) For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.

There was no welfare, no social security, and no worker’s comp. There were those who worked, and those who begged. And the beggars were because they were physically unable to work, not because they were strung-out on meth or because they were soft little computer nerds playing dungeons and dragons. Even pagans expected men to work.

If you don’t work and don’t provide for your family, you’re an absolute dirtbag. I’m not talking about if you have a broken back, or you’re retired. If you are retired, you put in your work and are living off of what you’ve already worked for. I’m talking about the able-bodied man who refuses to work.

(1 Tim 5:8) says, “if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” That’s bad. That’s like, you’re worse than an Antifa punk in Portland crying about the orange man and mean tweets while you’re rioting on MLK Blvd.

This is something that the church can, and should, practice church discipline over. If you’re denying the faith by refusing to work, and you’re not providing for your family, you’re a puke.

So, get busy and start making money- make an honest living. Cause if you don’t, you’re actually denying the faith according to the Apostle Paul.

Ok, so we’ve established that masculine men work, but what do they work towards?

I mean, Adam’s first job was to name all the animals, right? So, what does he do when he’s finished naming the dog, the cat, the bird and the bear?

What’s the point of all that work?

Adam was naming the animals because he had authority over them. You don’t name things unless you have authority. And God gave Adam authority over all of creation.

That work was to prepare him for his ultimate mission.

Masculine Men have a Mission

Man’s Mission is to Take Dominion

We already read that God made Adam and gave him a job. Now we will see that God also gave Adam a mission, should he choose to accept it or not.

In (Gen 1:28), God tells Adam to subdue the earth and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds in the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

Having dominion means to rule over the earth. 

Subdue means to subjugate, vanquish, or put down, to conquer. 

So, when God says we are to take dominion over the earth, He is quite literally saying to reign over all of creation, with His image, and bend it to your will with kingly authority.

God made man and gave him His image to establish His presence and rule in the physical realm. To bring heaven to earth through His living image. God’s purpose in giving humanity His image was so we can rule the created order on behalf of God. So, the divine image of God gives mankind the capability, honor, authority, and responsibility of ruling over all of creation. This is part of the Missio Dei, or Mission of God. To take dominion.

A man on a mission 

A man on a mission is the natural outworking process of his work. That is why so many men feel the drive to achieve great things in their career. Their job is meant as preparation for their greater, lifelong job, or mission. It’s part of the big picture of why you are here on earth.


A man’s mission is his telos, or ultimate goal- his aim in life. The telos is, essentially, what a thing is designed for. The telos for an acorn is to grow and develop into an oak tree, and the telos for a boy is to grow and develop into a man. As you grow into, and continue through, your mission, you develop the characteristics of your telos.

The acorn seed sprouts and continually grows through many different seasons, until its small stem develops into a solid sturdy trunk. It grows deep life-giving roots, strong branches, and oxygen-producing leaves that give life to the environment in which it lives. And the oak tree eventually bears fruit: more little acorns that all have their own telos, just like that old oak tree they all came from.

In the same way, the young boy sprouts and starts his work, then he embraces his mission and grows into his telos. He grows through adolescence and into adulthood with deep roots in Christ- the Giver of life. He develops branches- strong ties to church, family, and his community, and he produces work that benefit his environment- the Kingdom of God. This is every man’s telos- his mission- and it brings glory to God.

A masculine man grows in his relationship with God and embraces the missio dei- the Mission of God.

In his book, It’s Good to Be a Man, Michael Foster states, “All creation shares, participates in, and reflects one ultimate telos: to serve and bring glory to God (Colossians 1:16-18, Romans 11:36). Each created thing participates differently in the ultimate telos according to its unique place and design.”

God made the sun, moon, stars, and the earth and populated it. Then, He made a man and gave him a job in preparation for his mission. Then He started him on the first part of his mission: to tend and keep the garden (Gen 2:7-8, 2:15)

Missio Dei

The Missio Dei is the Mission of God. It’s embracing the mission that God has for mankind and picking up, as image bearers, where God left off. He did the heavy lifting and created it all, now He wants us to enjoy it, bring it to order, make use of it, and multiply His image.

He created us to work towards the goal of something. And that something is to reorder, or bring order to, all of creation. The same mission He gave to Adam, He gives to me and you: To take dominion. To multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. To bring God’s Kingdom to earth. And to do it all, in the name and power of Jesus Christ.

Multiply- Fill the Earth

The second part of a man’s mission is something he can’t do alone: he has to have babies. Now, I guarantee this will set-off all the femnatzis and cause some bra-burning bonfires. But I don’t care. God made woman to help man on his mission. That’s a woman’s mission: help man. In-fact, that’s literally her name: the Hebrew phrase: ‘ezer kenegdo.’ Ezer means “helper,” and kenegdo means, “corresponding or opposite to him.” So, the Bible literally says that God gave Adam a helper that is opposite of him, that corresponds with him. A perfect helper for him. Perfect to help him on his mission.

Putting it all together, we see that the man’s mission is twofold:

1 Take dominion of the world, subdue it, bend it to his will and benefit.

2 Multiply, fill the earth, bring God’s Kingdom to earth in the name and for the glory of Christ.

The woman’s mission is also twofold:

1 Help her husband to take dominion of the world, subdue it, bend it to his will and benefit.

2 Help her husband multiply, fill the earth, bring God’s Kingdom to earth in the name and for the glory of Christ.

You see, even though her job is to help, she has the same mission. Adam can’t complete his mission without her, and she can’t complete her mission without him. So, they both must work together as a team, equal in personhood and value, to unite as corresponding parts of the same human race, to subdue the earth, take dominion, and multiply. Together the husband and wife unite in spirit and in flesh to make another eternal soul to care for, teach, and raise up in the Lord. This is, quite literally, bringing God’s Kingdom to earth. That’s it. That’s your purpose in life. That’s your telos!

You can read all this in (Gen 1:28,2:18-23) 

Mission First

The Mission Always Comes First

You’ve read in great stories and watched great movies when the hero puts everything down, even his life sometimes, for the success of his mission. To break out POWs, patch a hole in a sinking ship, or distract enemy forces long enough for others to escape. The mission has to come first.

So, God made Adam, gave him a job, then a mission, then the girl, why do so many men make the girl the mission? Your mission is not to get the girl. You need to get on mission first- get up front- on point- and then your helper will meet you on your mission. If you make her your mission, she won’t respect you and she won’t submit to your authority.

Think of how women just naturally love a man in uniform. Yeah, you look sharp, squared away, especially the marines. But that’s not the real reason why women love the uniform. They love what the uniform represents, and they naturally want to follow the man who is on a mission. They respect the man who is willing to be self-disciplined, who’s strong and courageous, who shows honor and sacrifice, and is driven to achieve his mission. But they can’t stand a soft, mushy, lazy, beta male.

Now, there are certain things each sex looks for in the opposite sex that are indicators of their own mission.

First and foremost, a woman wants a man who can provide. She wants financial security, physical protection, and direction. Looks are usually towards the bottom of the list. And she can’t stand a self-deprecating, sensitive, emotional, complaining beta male. Even if she says that’s what she wants, she doesn’t. Those are the permanent “friend zone” guys. Also known as panzis.

A guy wants a woman who is attractive, first and foremost, and has a gentle, kind, and submissive nature. Money doesn’t really matter. In-fact, a career-driven woman is kind of a turn-off. And we can’t stand the self-described “strong independent women,” which is nothing more than a rebellious angry feminist loudmouth heffer. Gross.

So, the mission of a man is not to get the girl. The mission of the man is to take dominion. The girl comes after you start your mission. The mission of the woman is to help her man who is already on his mission. And the mission of both of them is to fill the earth and bring God’s Kingdom of believers to earth. To make eternal souls and raise them up in Christ as dominion takers, conquering the world for Christ.

The Attitude of Masculinity 

There’s a certain way that a man carries himself

He speaks a certain way

His mannerisms are a certain way

He has an aversion to comfort

He embraces self-discipline

discipline to increase Physical, Mental, and Moral Toughness

Put simply, he does hard things because he’s a hard man. 

One of my favorite podcasts is called The Hard Man Podcast. The host, Eric Conn, does a great job examining biblical masculinity and explaining what that looks like in the life of Christian men. As the title suggests, the content revolves around the most fundamental attribute of masculinity: hardness. This term, hardness, is something Scripture teaches and continually reinforces as an integral part of all men, and warns of the significant dangers of being soft, or malikos. 

Masculine Men are Not Soft or Effeminate


Malikos is the Greek word for soft- effeminate. It is the opposite of hard masculinity. Jesus teaches that men shouldn’t be soft in Matthew 11 when He commends John the Baptist as being the model of masculinity. He was essentially saying, “This is what men ought to be like.” You may miss it if you’re not paying attention. And our culture adamantly rejects this, but this text teaches that there is actually a way in which men are supposed to dress.

Speaking to a crowd about John the Baptist in (Matthew 11:8-11), Jesus says, “What did you go out to see? A man dressed in soft clothing? Those who wear soft clothing are in kings’ palaces! But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and one who is more than a prophet. (11) Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the baptist! Yet, the one who is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”

The word “soft” here is the Greek word malikos. In today’s vernacular, Jesus would be saying something like, “Who are you expecting? A sissy in a nightgown? Naw, He’s a man’s man. He speaks like a man and dresses like a man. He’s the one ya’ll need to look like.”

John was a hard man, a tough guy. John lived in the wilderness, and he ate locusts and wild honey. He wore clothes made of camel’s hair and he had a leather belt around his waist. When Jesus uses John as the example of masculinity, He points to John’s clothing and contrasts it with that of kings and rulers who wore soft and delicate clothing. Jesus is teaching that there is a distinct way in which a man dresses, and that everyone should be able to tell you’re a man by the clothing you wear.

Men Cannot Dress Like Women

(Deuteronomy 22:5) “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.”

This really is a simple truth: men dress like men, and women dress like women. You could tell that John was a tough guy and that kings were soft and effeminate by the clothing they wore. John wasn’t wearing a pink blouse and skinny jeans or capris. And neither should you. 

Now, you might say, ok so what. Jesus said John wasn’t soft. But I can wear whatever I want and live my life as a soft guy if I want. I like tea and poetry and Hallmark movies. It’s not like it’s a sin to be a sensitive guy.

Guess what sissy boy, it actually is.

The Sin of Effeminacy

(1 Cor 6:9-11) Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, (10) nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. (11) Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

This text teaches that once you come to Christ you are no longer defined by the lifestyle or sinful past you had. And it ALSO means that you are no longer to live that sinful lifestyle. God says living as a soft effeminate man is a sin- a grave sin- that can lead to eternal damnation. Everything on that list is a big deal and is damnable. A Christian man doesn’t live a life sleeping around, being self-absorbed, cheating on his wife, committing homosexual acts, stealing, coveting, being a drunk, reviling or cheating other people, or being an effeminate (malikos) man.

If you are living a life characterized by any of this behavior, You MUST Repent. Just as it is with everything listed here, the right response to effeminacy is repentance. Those who are in Christ, who place their faith in Jesus, must reject effeminacy and softness and pursue biblical masculinity. You simply cannot be obedient to Christ if you’re not in pursuit of biblical masculinity. Full stop.

Masculine Men are Self-Disciplined

Perhaps the most important attitude of masculinity is self-discipline.

It keeps you grounded

It keeps you accountable

It empowers and encourages you

But it also keeps you humble

It’s a command from God (2 Thess 3:11-12)

It ties all the other attitudes of masculinity together

And it is a lifestyle, not a single event or a single choice

Now that we’ve gone over the first two components of the Mandate of Masculinity, we will go over the last, and most important part:

The Application of Masculinity

Masculine Men Apply Self-Discipline

This entire section on applying self discipline comes directly from Eric Conn and The Hard Man podcast. Such great content. Look him up and start listening. He’s an absolute stud in my opinion.

If you want to be masculine, you must live a disciplined life. That’s not a one-and-done thing. You have to wake up every morning and choose to be self-disciplined. You have to choose every day to be stronger, more resilient, and more disciplined. You need to look at yourself in the mirror every day and tell yourself, “Do better. Be better. Live better.” 

It’s lifestyle that you develop by embracing the act of actually taking control of yourself. By being the master of your decisions and never making excuses. There are few things more effeminate than men making excuses.

If you’re fat, stop eating like a fatso. Turn off the TV, get off the couch, and take a walk.

If you’re tired, stop staying up late. Go to bed.

If you’re weak, get stronger. Go to the gym. Lift heavy things.

If you’re unlearned on something, read a book.

If you’re not “hearing from God” read what He already said. Read your Bible

Stop making excuses. Excuses are malikos- effeminate. 

The ONLY way to actually apply masculinity in your life is through discipline.

We’re going to Apply Masculinity by disciplining three things:

Discipline your muscles

Discipline your morals

Discipline your mind

Discipline your Muscles/Body

If you cannot discipline your body to be healthy, strong, tough, and resilient, you will fail at every other area, attitude, and virtue of masculinity.

I guarantee it. This is why the very first thing that the military does when you enter basic training is to put your body through difficulties- to make you do hard things. To find out where your physical limitations are and push beyond that. To transform your civilian body into a warrior’s body.

Think about it. What do you do in basic training? They put you through a very disciplined, structured, and controlled environment that was physically taxing. They teach you how to do something, then they demand that expectation day in and day out. Everything you did was difficult (at first), and it was regimented and under control. But you got stronger. Faster. Better. And more disciplined. 

The time of day you woke up and how you groomed yourself was controlled 

What you ate and how much you ate was controlled- only what’s on your plate, no desert

Your physical exercise: pushups, sit-ups, pullups, running, and jumping jacks were all controlled

And you had to do it the right way, proper form and together as a group

The chores you did- making your bed, cleaning your footlocker, shining your boots, cleaning the latrine, sweeping and mop the barracks- they were all controlled and had to be done the right way every time, because it will be inspected, and you’ll be held accountable. If it’s wrong, the D.I.’s will smoke you!

You drilled together as a team, marching in-step together as a unit, learning movement commands, practicing armed combat drills and physical combat techniques, in a controlled way

You went to class and learned customs and courtesies, military history, first aid, survival basics, combat survival, and map surveillance in a controlled way 

And you did this all the same way, every day, for 2 or 3 months. And that was just the start of the discipline you’d develop during your military career. And it all started with disciplined physical exercise on day one. Day one of becoming a warrior.

Men are meant to be warriors, and you need a warrior’s body to accomplish your warrior mission to take dominion, multiply, protect, and defend.

Men Protect and Defend

 If you are a husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, or uncle, or just a biological man, one of your primary responsibilities is the physical security and protection of everyone and everything under your care. In other words, your job is to protect women and children and all those who can’t protect themselves. Because that’s what men do.

So let me ask:

How are you going to protect yourself and your family if you’ve never learned how to fight? 

How are you going to protect yourself and your family if you don’t own a firearm or know how to use it? 

How are you going to protect yourself and your family if you’re too fat and out of shape to run around the block without being gassed and out of breath?

You’re no good in a fight if you can’t breathe.

 You don’t have to be a body builder, MMA fighter, or a master of Jujitsu. But I am saying that if you can’t physically protect the people God has entrusted to you, you’re a failure as a man and need to tighten up. You need to repent and make a course correction in your life.

That might be hard to hear, and I’m not trying to be a jerk, but it’s the truth. And men today need to hear that.

Now some people will fire back at me and say what about the smaller guy? Does that make him less masculine?

Absolutely not. I know huge guys that are weak little panzies and little guys who are tough as nails. In-fact, the worse butt-kicking I ever got was from a small nerdy quiet kid in HI school. He whooped me so fast I didn’t even know what was happening. And I deserved it. Don’t underestimate a little guy.

What about the guy who knows he can’t fight? Maybe it’s not lack for trying, but he’s just not skilled at fighting at all. Well, there is a great equalizer that levels the playing field. Whether you’re small in stature, or old, or crippled, or too fat to even tie your shoes, a firearm works the same for everyone. You can do your job and protect your family by responsibly owning a firearm and knowing how to use it.

All you have to do is hit the target. So, you need to know how they work and how to use them.  

Maybe you’ll want a shotgun with birdshot that is less likely to go through a wall if you have small children in the home.

Maybe you want a rifle with stopping power if you live in the woods and are around bears or cougars.

Maybe you want a pistol for personal defense. Whatever you choose, make sure you’re comfortable with it and know how it operates. Go to your local firing range and ask questions. Fire off a few rounds and get to know how it feels and how it handles. Focus on the sight, with a blurry picture of the target, control your breathing, and slowly pull the trigger until it surprises you and fires. Do that a few times and you’ll be comfortable. Just hit the target.

Men Strengthen their Mind and Morals

The discipline it takes to increase your physical strength and abilities also has a dramatic effect on your mind and morals.

When you choose to resist comfort and embrace difficulty, you build strength and endurance. When you challenge your body and exert yourself past your comfortable limits, you improve your physical performance.

Here are a Few Questions you can ask about Improving Self-Discipline

Step on the scale. What does the scale say about your self-discipline?

Look at that number for a few seconds. What does that number say about you and your self-discipline?

Do you want to be known by that number?

Would you be proud of that number?

What does the mirror say about your self-discipline?

Does your body reflect the proper treatment of the body God gave you?

Do you want to be known by your reflection?

What does your bed and bathroom counter say about your self-discipline?

What does your car, your garage, and your tools say about your self-discipline?

How about your face? Comb your hair, brush your teeth, trim your beard.

Are your clothes folded in your dresser or are they just stuffed in a laundry basket on the floor?

What does your refrigerator and pantry say about your self-discipline?

Do you know what you eat and how much?

What does your bank account say about your self-discipline? Do you know where every dollar is going?

If you answer these questions honestly, you probably know you have some work to do. So where do you start?

First, Make a Plan

Ok, You’re too fat. Start with the very basic things that make you fat. This isn’t hard.

Write down what you eat and how much

Write down the calories

Start walking around the block after dinner every night

Do not eat anything after dinner

Do pushups every night or morning. Start with 10 and move up by 1 every day

Be consistent. Do this for a month and step on the scale again. If you had discipline, I guarantee you’ll lose weight.

This is how a plan works. You can do this with anything. It doesn’t have to be losing weight. 

Discipline Your Mind

Men, you need to discipline your mind too, and think rationally and clearly. Do not let your emotions rule you, you must rule over your emotions.

Women are emotional creatures and men are logical creatures. Men who have no mental discipline and can’t control their emotions are malikos- soft and effeminate.

But realize that every thought you have is an opportunity to discipline your mind. Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. You have the authority and responsibility for the choices you subject your mind and your body to.

If you’re undisciplined and lazy and you make choices that do not challenge and sharpen your body, your body will be fat, soft, and mushy. Your mind reacts in a similar way. If you’re lazy and undisciplined and make choices that do not challenge and sharpen your mind, your mind will be fat, soft, and mushy.

What can you do? Same thing as before: make a plan.

Ask the same questions about your knowledge base or intelligence level. Your awareness of theology, history, and politics. Pick one and focus on it.

Read a book. Read and actually study Scripture. Read the verse, then read the paragraph, then read the chapter that verse in part of.

Ask what is that verse saying to the original audience?

Can history help me understand this text better?

What does this text say about Jesus?

You’ll be surprised how much you can learn from simply asking the text questions or interrogating it.

The most important thing to understand about disciplining your mind is that it’s the only way you can discipline your morals. Wherever your mind goes, your morals go too. Because your hands and feet only go where your head and heart have already been.

Discipline your Morals

Your morals will be formed by your attitude about the decisions you make. Today’s choices determine tomorrow’s morals. A biblically masculine man lives by his principles and disciplines his morals.

How can you do this? Again, have a plan and put it into action.

Speak plainly and clearly

Speak hard truths 

Stand by the truth

Don’t back down

If you’re living in sin, it’s because you’ve allowed your mind to compromise your morality. And your compromised morality has allowed you to be comfortable with living in sin. And all that was your choice, and you’re responsible for your choices.

Call to Action

Make the decision to change your mind. Choose to discipline your body, your mind, and your morals. The Masculine Mandate is a requirement for every man, and it’s all about putting in your work, your attitude, and the application of biblical masculinity.

Make sure to subscribe on Spotify and Apple iTunes and leave us a 5-star review. You can also subscribe on YouTube @RegularManMinistry and Twitter @RegManMinistry. Leave us some comments, questions, suggestions for episodes, or even hate mail. I don’t care.

Until next time, be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, and be strong.

Regular Man Ministry embraces God’s gift of masculinity in the life of the regular man.
Remember: Read, Pray, Lift, and Shoot. Be strong in mind, spirit, and body.
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Biblical Masculinity in the Family and in the Church

What’s the Problem?

America’s got problems. Problems at work, in government, in the home, in entertainment, and across every denomination of the Christian church. These problems are everywhere, and they are especially evident among modern day Protestant American Evangelical Christianity. They are not simply a result of the failures of the fallen men and women in the pews, but also stem from the poor biblical teaching (or lack thereof) and cowardice in our homes and churches and our rebellion to God. Churches are charged by God to teach and exhort us, practice the sacraments of Baptism and Communion, and bring God’s Kingdom to earth as salt and light, even if it means speaking on difficult or offensive topics. But instead, most churches today spend the majority of their time placating to culture, venerating women, and vilifying men.

These thirty-minute life coach sermons are typically nothing more than a feel-good Hallmark special, paired with an emotional contemporary woman-led worship “experience” when you sing about your feelings for your boyfriend, Jesus. You’re lucky if they even read Scripture and explain it to the church. By the end of the fifty-five minute service you have enough Evangestrogen (Evangelical estrogen) to last you until next week when you can fill up on more cry-juice again. (barf) Then, with every head bowed and every eye closed (more barf) there’s an altar call, and someone is “stirred in their hearts to accept Jesus.”

These short weekly sermons speak all about the sinful behavior of men and the destruction our sins can bring upon us. The sins of pride, abuse of power, deceit, addictions and adultery. And this is all true. We certainly should be preaching on that. But rarely, if ever, do we hear about the sins of women. The sins of gossip, slander, envy, greed, and rebellion. The sins of refusing to embrace their God-given roles and station as mothers and wives- the helper of man. Our churches have separated themselves from the world; not for sanctification, but for safety. They have retreated from culture wars and they avoid speaking plainly about sin, repentance, and political issues at all costs. They remain silent while our culture embraces abortion and same-sex relationships and they elevate women into leadership positions in the workplace and in church. By simply attending the modern evangelical church of today, you have done nothing but make the problem worse, and the Kingdom of God is no closer now than it was last week. There has been no talk of duty, Christian excellence, and no taking dominion. Just a bunch of feel-good soft squishy emotionalism geared towards women and cultural conformity. And people wonder why men think the church is gay.

Servant Leader

The term “Servant Leader” is consistently regurgitated in most evangelical churches to reflect how men should behave. After all, Jesus is the pattern of ultimate manhood and He led by sacrificially serving and dying for His Church, right? This is true. Jesus is the ultimate example of manhood. We should pattern ourselves and our lives after Him. And Ephesians 5 clearly teaches how men are to treat their wives as Christ treated His church. But, that’s not all Jesus is.

He is also the LORD that meets Abraham and judges Sodom (Genesis 18), He promised Hagar He would multiply her offspring (Gen 16:7-14), He provided a substitutional sacrifice for Isaac (Gen 22:11-18), He spoke to Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3:2-6), He wrestled Jacob (Gen 32:22-32), He led Moses and guided the Israelites out of captivity (Exodus 23:20-21), He was the Commander of the LORD’s Army (Joshua 5:13-15), and He single handedly slaughtered 185,000 Assyrian soldiers overnight. Did you get that? He killed 185k men by Himself! Jesus ain’t no pansy. But when was the last time you heard a sermon on the righteous slaughter of the wicked, or the bold unapologetic judgment of homosexuality that deserves the destruction of an entire city? Never. Because 63% of church attendance is female and females don’t like conflict. They want nice sermons that won’t offend anyone. They have friends who are effeminate or gay and don’t want to hurt their feelings. They have friends that grosely mischaracterize “abuse” as an excuse to divorce their husband. After all, failing to meet every single emotional need is, of course, spousal abuse in America today. 

So, the model of Servant Leader is fine, if the leader is a badass beast that can kill a man with his bare hands and stand stoically over the dead corpse. But, most of the time it just means a sissy doormat beta male that takes all the blame as the source of evil in the world.

You Better Know What You’re Talking About

Another reason the church is in such a mess is because men have no idea what the Bible actually says. That is a great tragedy.

If you are a Christian man, you need to know Scripture. 

If you’re a Christian husband, you need to know Scripture.

If you’re a Christian father, you need to know Scripture.

You are a man and you have the responsibility to lead, tech, and protect your family. This protection is not simply to protect from invaders in your home, but also invaders of the minds of your wife, your children, and your church. You have been given a mandate by God to raise up a family in the LORD, and most men are complete failures in this regard. Humanity is running off the rails right now because men and women are failing to submit to God and bring His Kingdom to earth.

What’s Your Purpose?

  1. Know and Worship God
  2. Bring God’s Kingdom to Earth

In today’s church, if you ask about the purpose of man you will get a response like, “to glorify God,” or “to have a personal relationship with Jesus.” And of course that’s true. The chief end of man is to glorify God. (Psalm 145, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) But, just like that woman-centered feel-good sermon, that’s only half of the story.

The other half of the story is the physical world. God created Adam to take control of the earth and everything in it. To cultivate the land- to plant, harvest, reap, and bring God’s Kingdom to earth. (Matthew 28:18-20) And He gave him a physical body and a wife to carry on that task. (Gen 1:26-28, 2:15-23)


The problems of today have a great deal to do with men and women rejecting their purpose. Man’s purpose is to glorify God, take dominion over the earth, and usher in God’s Kingdom. And a woman’s purpose is to glorify man and help him complete his God-given mission together in a unified family. But, man cannot do that if we don’t act. If we simply sit on our hands and listen to the effeminate pastor talk about his boyfriend, Jesus, and placate the women in the audience, the world will never become God’s Kingdom, you will continue to fail in your responsibility, and your wife will never have the brave masculine leader she needs and deserves.

Brothers, I urge you to be the godly man you were designed to be. Lead your wife and children in prayer and worship. Be the badass servant leader that can kill a man with his bare hands, yet remains humble, kind, and gentle. Be like Jesus and exemplify the essence of meekness (power under control) in your home and community. Be the example of biblical masculinity.

Blueprints – God’s Design for Men, Women, and the Home

Part 2

This is the second part of a two-part series entitled, “Blueprints – God’s Design for Men, Women, and the Home,” intended to highlight the separate and unique design God has for men and women. Part 1 covered individual gender responsibilities and how those responsibilities look within a Christian marriage. In part 2 we will discuss gender identity, God’s intended design for the two distinct genders, and how those genders are designed to function within the community and the church. It is my hope that through discussions of cultural, religious, and political positions, in light of God’s Word, Christians may confidently live their lives for Christ without apology and navigate through difficulties of this world.

Gender Confusion

Before anything is discussed at length, let me first ask, does anyone actually believe that one’s sex and gender can be different? Of course not. If people are honest, they know these are synonymous terms. The professed belief that genders are ‘fluid’ is simply a lie that the depraved mind indulges in (Romans 1:24-27) because “…their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” (Romans 1:21, NIV) No one actually believes a biological man can be a woman, or a biological woman can be a man, unless of course they are delusional. The recent dramatic increase of the word ‘transexual,’ and the irrational demand to accept and affirm this demonstrably fictitious lifestyle, is nothing more than a popularization of non-conformity, exacerbated by the normalization of perversion. Put simply: it is socially acceptable, increasingly popular, and actually encouraged to be weird, dishonest, and perverted. It also enables one to live a homosexual lifestyle with a reduced sense of conviction, as they are continually affirmed, encouraged, and supported to live in sin by a popular culture that is wicked, perverse, and hostile to Christ.

The population is being inundated by anti-Christian cultural influences (peers, social media, employers, celebrities, movies, video games, TV shows, politics, etc.) that exacerbate the individual’s own wicked desires, in order to confuse, conflate, and pervert God’s distinctively designed genders and devalue the pinnacle of God’s creation- mankind. Even many churches have been influenced by the world regarding gender and sexuality to one degree or another. But this is not new to civilizations.

When in Rome …

The first century Christians were living through a very similar situation in Rome and the citizens behaved in much the same way ours do today: “They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. So, God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. … they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” (Romans 1:19,21,24,26-28,32, NIV)

Scripture clearly shows that people know the truth; they simply decide to reject it and live their own sinful life. And once God is rejected and sin is embraced, the mind become ‘dark and confused’ and there is no certainty in life- no value, no purpose- only ‘foolish thinking.’ An individual’s uncertainty of their identity, purpose, and value will lead to confusion about a great many things, even their sexual orientation and gender. And living any sort of unrepentant sinful lifestyle will increasingly separate an individual from God. This is evidenced in society’s acceptance and promotion of sinful gender-associated societal movements that have driven people further away from God, such as the feminist movement, sexual promiscuity (free love), homosexuality, crossdressing, and gender confusion. Every culture in human history that has widely accepted sexual perversion (homosexuality in particular) has quickly descended into further embracing the evils of polygamy, group sex, rape, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and even sexual-related mutilation of children and infanticide (this is even more barbaric and gruesome than you can imagine). This has always led to the collapse of a society. Every single time. And if world history is any indicator, without God’s intervention, America is headed for a very violent and cruel future.

Gender Dysphoria

The genuine insistence to identify as a gender other than your biological sex is actually quite rare and is a serious mental disorder called Gender Dysphoria (also known as transsexualism and gender identity disorder). It is still listed in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition) as a serious mental disorder in which one is literally delusional about their gender. The disorder is diagnosed, in part, when the patient presents, “a strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being the other sex).” This strong persistence is measured in years, or even decades, and is not influenced by culture. They were ‘trans’ before it was popular and will likely suffer from their delusion their entire life.

Treatment for someone who suffers from delusion never includes reinforcing that delusion. Never. Imagine a psychiatric patient that believes he is a superhero and insists he can fly. Perhaps he identifies as Superman and demands that everyone calls him Clark Kent. You would do everything within your power to change his flawed ideation and delusion, not reinforce it. Your case plan management and treatment team would prioritize revealing his true identity because his safety and wellbeing is your responsibility. Under no circumstances would you ever open the window so he could try to fly! But that is exactly what this world is doing right now. They are taking advantage of the weak and vulnerable to promote this perversion of God’s design and they bully, shame, punish, and extort anyone who may push back against this wickedness.

Ultimately, the ones who are harmed the most are the ones already suffering from identity uncertainty, same sex attraction, and gender confusion. In fact, research shows that transgendered people who have had sex reassignment surgery had a suicide mortality rate later in life that was roughly twenty times higher than the non-transgendered population. Twenty times higher! To continue the previous analogy, they are effectively opening windows all across the world, handing out capes, and then celebrating when people jump to their destruction. What is worse, most of the victims of this perversion are children who will have permanent physical and emotional trauma for the rest of their lives, if they survive their multiple suicide attempts. This is child abuse of the highest order and, in this life or the next, those who promote this transgender lie and child abuse will be held accountable. Believe that.

Gender Affirming Care

True ‘gender affirming care’ is not lying to someone and promoting confusion of harmful delusion. And it certainly is not allowing young children to mutilate their genitalia and sexual organs to try and become something they are not. Gender affirming care is embracing the way that God has made someone and affirming their individual value as unique, special, and precious to Him.

Gender is not assigned by your parents at birth; it is assigned by God, even before conception (Jeremiah 1:5). He crafted you in the womb as a work of art and put you together for a special purpose, just the way you are (Psalm 139:13-14). You do not have to change who you are or pretend to be someone you are not in order to find your identity, value, and purpose. God gives you all of that. You are already special enough for God to sacrifice Himself for you- tortured, mutilated, and murdered on a cross- in order to offer you a way out of hell. And He has a unique purpose for your life that is specifically designed for you- just you. That’s your identity: chosen by God. I’d say that’s the best kind of affirming care you can ask for.

Shifting Gears

Now that we have seen how God established two distinct genders, each with their own unique gifts, roles, and responsibilities, and how those individual responsibilities contribute to the home and community, we turn our attention to ecclesiastical matters and see how they apply within the church.

Leadership Requirements within the Church

From one cultural hot topic to another, we will now delve into what the Bible says regarding leadership requirements within the church, including gender. Hold onto your pew.

Character Requirements

Leading lost men, women, and children to Christ and shepherding, teaching, and correcting the body of Christ is a great honor that comes with great responsibility. As such, there is a very high standard of character and conduct for church leadership. In first and second Timothy, Paul writes to his young understudy with instructions and advice in pastoring his newly established church at Ephesus. The following are some of these requirements taken directly from 1 Timothy 3:1-13:

  • A church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach.
  • He must be faithful to his wife.
  • He must exercise self-control.
  • He must live wisely.
  • He must have a good reputation.
  • He must enjoy having guests in his home.
  • He must be able to teach.
  • He must not be a heavy drinker.
  • He must not be violent.
  • He must be gentle.
  • He must not be quarrelsome.
  • He must not love money.
  • He must manage his own family well, having children who respect and obey him. For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church?
  • He must not be a new believer, because he might become proud, and the devil would cause him to fall.
  • People outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil’s trap.
  • He must be well respected.
  • He must have integrity.
  • He must not be dishonest with money.
  • He must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed.
  • He must live with a clear conscience.
  • He must be closely examined (tested by others in authority).

There are also additional requirements for the church leader’s wife:

  • In the same way, their wivesmust be respected
  • They must not slander others.
  • They must exercise self-control
  • They must be faithful in everything they do.

As I said, this is a very high bar for anyone. Notice also, Paul exclusively used the word, ‘he’ for church authority.

Gender Requirements

First and foremost, an individual church’s position on gender requirements for leadership is not salvific theology (theology related to salvation- the deity, person and works of Jesus and His work of redemption for mankind) and, therefore, should not break fellowship with fellow believers who may disagree. There are plenty of genuine Jesus-loving Bible-believing Christians who disagree on this position. Just as there are many genuine Jesus-loving Bible-believing Christians who disagree on infant baptism, communion, gifts of the Holy Spirit, eternal security, and a whole host of other Christian theological positions. So, don’t let a disagreement about non-salvific theology break fellowship. (However, if someone doesn’t believe Jesus is God or that His life, death, and resurrection alone is sufficient for salvation, they just are not Christian, plain and simple, and are not within Christian fellowship.)

Three Camps

Some churches accept the practice of female authority within home, community, and church (to include pastor, priest, elder and/or deacon), and others do not. The three primary positions are called egalitarianism, complementarianism, and patriarchal. Patriarchal churches stress that, although men and women are equal in dignity, they are gifted for different roles. Egalitarianism is more liberal and has no gender-based limitations. And Complementarianism attempts to split the difference and allow female authority in some areas, but not in other areas.


Christian egalitarianism (also known as evangelical feminism) is a byproduct of European political egalitarianism, born out of the French Revolution of 1789-1799. The French word ‘égal,’ means ‘equal’ or ‘level,’ and was first used in English in the 1880s. Egalitarians believe that there are no gender restrictions on what roles men and women may fulfill in the church, home, and within the community. Husbands and wives share equal responsibility and authority for all aspects of societal life. Denominations that are usually egalitarian include Pentecostal, Assembly of God, Foursquare, Nazarene, Episcopalian, some Evangelical, Free Methodist, Friends, some Mennonite, some Presbyterian, United Methodist, and Wesleyan.


Patriarchs believe that men and women are equal in dignity, yet gifted with distinct roles in marriage, family, the church, and the community. The name literally means “father rule” and has been the Christian understanding of authority for thousands of years. Both genders work together and contribute their God-given natural abilities to make a more beautiful picture of the home, the church and the community. This view holds that masculinity and femininity were created by God as meaningful human distinctions, assigned to their respective genders (masculinity to men, femininity to women) by God for an important purpose. When these gender-specific roles are embraced, they will lead to the best possible physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing for the individual believer, for the Church, and for the entire society in which they live.

In patriarchal marriages, men have the role of headship and bear the responsibility of the family, and as such, should not be under the authority of women. A man is to love and sacrifice for his wife, just as Christ did for His Church, and the wife is to submit to her husband as the church submits to Christ. Men are to sacrifice everything, up to their own life, for the holiness and spiritual wellbeing of their wife, reflective of how Christ sacrificed for His bride (the Church). If men treated their bride as Christ treats His, every decision would be made for her spiritual benefit, even when she disagrees. Consequently, the wife would want to lovingly submit to the husband’s authority out of respect for him because she knows the decisions made are what is most beneficial for her wellbeing and, by extension, what is best for the whole family.


The name is derived from the word ‘complement,’ and refers to the combination of two unique components that each bring their own elements and come together to make a better, more complete result. It’s difficult to explain complementarianism because it varies drastically from church to church, and frankly, it just doesn’t make much sense. Most hold the opinion that a woman may not be the head pastor of a church, but may be in leadership in another form. Some allow female deacons and elders, some do not. Some are even a “pastoral team” of husband and wife. But answer me this, If a woman may not hold authority over a man in church and teach men in church, how then can she hold authority and teach men in the home or the community? What is the community but a collection of families? How can a woman hold positions of authority over a man as a supervisor or elected official in the community if she cannot be in authority at home or in church? It just makes no sense and seems like a compromise with feminism.

What Does the Bible Say?

The most important question to ask is not what other churches or denominations say, but what God says. In the New Testament, Timothy (and several others) helped Paul establish many Christian churches in the first century. After visiting Ephesus, Paul left Timothy to pastor the young church and then writes the first of two letters, or epistles. In these letters, Paul gives Timothy instructions how to run this new Ephesian church and requirements for church leadership. Along with the previous requirements that are listed above, Paul states, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” (1 Timothy 2:12-14, NIV)

To put it simply: The Bible says that men are the only ones to be in authority in church. But notice also that the Bible gives a reason, and that reason dates back to creation. It is not a question of ability, simply God’s design: “For Adam was formed first, then Eve.” Then he explains that the woman was deceived, but the man was not, “and Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” Clearly, they both sinned, and one could argue (as I would) that Adam’s sin was greater because he neglected his primary responsibility to lead and protect his wife. He should have kept sin out of his home and far away from his wife. But, even in his failures, as massive as they were, he was not ‘deceived’ by the devil as Eve was. He failed to protect his wife, then gave into temptation from her. But a man’s epic failure does not alleviate him from his God-given responsibility to lead.


This role of leadership of man was established by the order of creation, man then woman, both with different attributes, gifts, roles, and responsibilities, and their love and unity bring forth a family. These relationships reflect the Holy Trinity of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each have a unique role and their own individual responsibilities but are all equal in deity and dignity as God. The Father has authority over the Son and Holy Spirit, yet that authority does not diminish the value, personhood, or works of Jesus, nor that of the Holy Spirit. The same principle applies to man and woman. Because of God’s will, man has been instructed to have headship over the home and the church and the woman is to bring her attributes as a helper.

There are, of course, those that object to complementarianism and have proposed some arguments against it. Three of the most common objections to the classic understanding of this passage are listed below, along with a rebuttal.

Most Common Objections:

1.     Paul instructs this only because in the first century women were uneducated and thus, should not teach. Modern culture educates both women and men.

However, almost none of the Apostles or disciples in the first century were well educated. If education were a requirement for leadership, the Apostles and disciples that Jesus Himself chose for church leadership, who spread the Gospel to the entire known world, would have been disqualified. Furthermore, some women who were very active in the New Testament, like Pricilla, were in-fact well educated, yet were not church leaders.

2.     This was a letter of specific instruction to Timothy as the Pastor in Ephesus and should not be considered an ‘open letter’ of instruction to the entire church.

However, Paul also told Titus, who was pastor of the church in Crete, “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appointelders in every town, as I directed you. An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believeand are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.” (Titus 1:5-6, NIV) This is clear instruction from the Apostle Paul regarding requirements of elders and pastors (including gender) and shows Paul consistently taught this in other books and to other local churches, and as such, should be considered instructional to the entire church body.

Also note that ‘elder’ (presbyteros) is synonymous throughout the New Testament with ‘pastor’ or ‘priest.’ Consequently, all instruction for spiritual leadership for a pastor, priest, deacon or elder should be considered synonymous and have the same requirements defined by Paul.

3.     Lastly, (and the least likely as one argues that God made a mistake in maintaining His perfect Word) Paul meant to say husbands and wives, not men and women. So, the verse should ready, “I do not permit a wife to teach or to assume authority over a husband…”

However, it is clear from the context of the instruction for the church that Paul is referring to men and women, not husband and wife. It is true that the word ‘aner,’ and ‘gune’ can be used as both man/husband and woman/wife, but, as with all hermeneutics, one must read Scripture within the context of the previous and following verses, chapters, books, and within the overarching teachings within the Bible as a whole. With a basic understanding of hermeneutics, one reads the previous verses, specifically verses 8-10, “Therefore I want the men (aner) everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.I also want the women (gune) to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women (gune) who profess to worship God.” (1 Timothy 2:8-10, NIV) These are instructions, not just for husbands and wives, but for single and widowed people as well, all over the world. They are understood to be instructions for men and women in general everywhere. The same exact words are used for both verses 8-10 and 12-14. There is absolutely no contextual or grammatical reason to change the words within the same chapter, same book, same author, and the same audience, only eisegesis (interpreting Scripture in a way that inserts one’s own presuppositions, agendas or biases) and modern cultural influence. An honest study of the Greek is quite clear about translation: aner-men, gune-women.

Biblical Support for Patriarchs

Biblical support for a patriarchal marriage goes back to the Garden of Eden, where God says of Adam, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18, NIV). This is the first instance of a differentiation of gender roles, with Eve as a helper. In matters related to marriage, the Bible states, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:22-25, NIV) Again, this means the husband has headship of the wife and the authority associated with that place of honor, but is responsible to lovingly lead his wife to holiness in Christ, even if it means sacrificing everything for her holiness. That’s a tall order.

As previously discussed, Paul outlines gender requirements for church leadership to Timothy (1 Timothy 2:11-13). He also writes to Titus, “Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” (Titus 2:3-5, NIV) There is clear biblical support for complementarianism.

Biblical Support Used for Egalitarianism

The most widely used verse to support the egalitarian position is Galatians 3:28, (also authored by Paul) which states, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

However, this passage is not talking about church authority at all. When the preceding and following verses are read, you find that salvation through Christ, not church leadership, is what this passage is about. “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:26-29, NIV) The passage is simply explaining that the promise of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ is for everyone, Jew and non-Jew, male and female, slave and free. Jesus is for anyone. “For God does not show favoritism.” (Romans 2:11, NIV)

Egalitarians also point to the frequency with which women, often considered secondary citizens at the time, were included as part of the redemption plan. Notably, they say, the first person to witness the resurrected Jesus and relay that news to the disciples was a woman. However, this argument can also be used to reiterate the purpose for the creation of woman as a ‘help mate’ or ‘helper of man.’ Through woman, the world was populated. Through woman, God (Jesus) was born. And through woman, the first witness of Jesus’ resurrection was announced. None of these were women in authority, but all were used to help mankind. This harkens back to the original creation of mankind and God’s stated purpose for the creation of Eve: “a helper suitable for [man].” (Genesis 2:18) Interestingly, only three people in all of history have been called ‘helper of man’: Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and woman. I’d say women are in great company.


There are some very sensitive and uncomfortable topics regarding the home, church, and community. Social media is especially hostile to any view that do not conform to the ignorant nature and wickedness of popular culture. People will certainly not like biblical teaching on homosexuality, adultery, fornication, civics, politics, race, gender, female authority, or anything else contrary to Scripture. But speaking the truth remains paramount to being a witness for Christ, especially in the face of rising cultural change, censorship, and intolerance. Regardless of what others may say or believe, God has designed only two genders, along with the gifts and parameters for both of them, and He makes no apology for it. God’s Word is truth (John 17:17) and the human heart is full of lies and wickedness (Jeremiah 17:9). The Bible says what it says, and people will always have a problem with it. But the problem is never in what God says, it’s in the human heart. So, read God’s Word and apply it to your life every day. In it you’ll find all you need to know to find salvation through Jesus and to live according to God’s design for men, women, and the home. You’ll find your blueprints.

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Blueprints – God’s Design for Men, Women, and the Home

Part 1

This is the first part of a two-part series entitled, “Blueprints – God’s Design for Men, Women, and the Home,” intended to highlight the separate and unique design God has for men and women. This series will cover individual gender responsibilities and roles and their fitment within the home, church, and community.

Most churches are reluctant to discuss these blueprints for fear of offending their members or being called sexist, misogynist, or intolerant by the world. I, however, have been called much worse and it will not change the truth of God’s Word. If you disagree with God, take it up with Him. Any meaningful discussions regarding matters of faith or politics (which often encompass religious matters) will most certainly be offensive to someone. But that offense should motivate investigation and cultivate dialogue, not silence, cowardice, and ignorance. So, you’ve been warned.


What’s the Plan?

Blueprints are a set of drawings that provide a detailed visual representation and instructions of how an architect has planned a particular physical structure. Originating in the mid-nineteenth century (around 1842), engineers developed a standardized process of drafting a set of plans that were printed on blue paper with white lines, to provide consistent safe designs for buildings. Blueprints include specifics like building dimensions, construction materials, and orientation of all pertinent components. There are also several different kinds of blueprints, depending on the particular design for the building. But every blueprint serves the same purpose: to provide a pattern of intended design.

God has an intended design for us and has provided blueprints that give us the specific details we need. Blueprints for society, blueprints for individuals, blueprints for individual relationships, blueprints for the home, and blueprints for His Church. Each component in these blueprints serve a unique function, and when used according to design, play an integral part in the Architect’s master plan. Disregard, neglect, or reject these blueprints and there will be damage.

Individual Blueprints

Do Your Own Job

Generally speaking, there are eight types of drawings in a set of blueprints: general, architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, door/window/finish, and a specifications sheet. Each blueprint is unique and has all of the information necessary for that particular component of the building. If you use the wrong blueprint for the wrong part of the house, damage will be done, and the entire house may fall apart. Using the blueprints and construction materials on the roof, for example, instead of the interior wall that it was designed for, will lead to disastrous consequences. The wall simply is not designed to endure the beating a roof takes. It will break and collapse under the pressure and the house will be destroyed. In God’s blueprint for the home, the different components that make up the home have been crafted for specific purposes and are designed to fit together in just the right way. They all have their own job to do.

Continuing the previous analogy, God has designed a man to be physically bigger and stronger and able to compartmentalize emotions in order to endure harsh environments and heavy burdens needed to lead and protect his family. In the same way a roof is designed to be rough and durable to protect the interior of the home, so men have been designed. Their primary duty is not to be soft and pretty, but strong and stable enough to protect the entire house from the harsh outside world and to hold the walls together. Conversely, the walls are designed to be softer and more delicate, decorated with beauty and provide a comfortable environment. But the most important job of the wall is to support the roof that protects the whole house. Without the walls holding up that roof, the entire home will be crushed. In the same way, a wife is designed to support her husband and provide a comforting and nurturing environment for the entire family. However, even the most supportive wall and most durable roof will fail without being built upon a proper foundation. So too, our home and family will fail without being built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus as the blueprint of your family’s foundation, failure is guaranteed.

Responsibilities of Men and Women

At this point, you may be asking, “Ok, then what is my job? What does my blueprint say?” I’ll make it easy.

Men – Blueprints of Responsibilities

Men, your responsibilities as a Christ-follower are to:

  • Be strong and courageous (1 Corinthians 16:13 Joshua 1:9)
  • Work (Genesis 2:15)
  • Provide for your family (1 Timothy 5:8)
  • Be compassionate (1 Peter 3:7, Psalm 103:13)
  • Love (Matthew 22:37-39)
  • Be a godly husband of one wife (Genesis 2:24, 1 Timothy 3:2, 1 Corinthians 7:2)
  • Give his wife intimacy (1 Corinthians 7:2-5)
  • Be a godly father (Proverbs 23:24, Ephesians 6:4, Hebrews 12:7)
  • Be accountable (1 Corinthians 11:13)
  • Be honorable (Proverbs 20:7, Philippians 4:8)
  • Be the head of his house and properly lead his wife (Ephesians 5:23-24)
  • Serve sacrificially (Ephesians 5:25, John 15:13)

Women – Blueprints of Responsibilities

Women, your responsibilities as a Christ-follower are to:

  • Show kindness and wisdom (Proverbs 31:26, Acts 18:26, Titus 2:3-5)
  • Be a godly mother (Genesis 21:6-7, Proverbs 23:25, 1 Timothy 5:9-10)
  • Be a godly wife (Genesis 2:22-24, Matthew 19:4-6)
  • Give her husband intimacy (1 Corinthians 7:2-5)
  • Be respectable (Ruth 3:11, 1 Timothy 2:9-10, 3:11, 1 Peter 3:4-6)
  • Support the work of the church (Romans 16:1-2, Philippians 4:3)
  • Be diligent in everything (Exodus 35:25, Proverbs 31:16,20, Acts 9:36, 16:14)
  • Love, believe, and respect the Lord (Proverbs 31:30-31, 1 Corinthians 7:34)
  • Care for your household (Proverbs 14:1, 31:15, 1 Timothy 5:14)
  • Learn quietly in church (1 Corinthians 14:34, 1 Timothy 2:11-13)
  • Support your husband (Genesis 2:18, Proverbs 31:28-29, 1 Corinthians 11:8-9)
  • Love and respect your husband (Ephesians 5:33, 1 Peter 3:1-2, Titus 2:4-5)
  • Submit to your husband (1 Corinthians 11:13, Ephesians 5:22-24)

Also note that differentiating responsibilities do not equate to different values. Men and women have the same dignity and value, and together resemble the image of God, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27, ESV) That means that God created men and women differently, as opposite in form and function, each have their own unique gender responsibilities (more on that in part 2). All of these responsibilities are patterns of God’s intended design for us- our blueprints. They are not optional. You may not accept some and reject others. Western culture adamantly opposes women submitting in obedience to their husbands and men serving, sacrificing, and accepting accountability. But they are, in-fact, commandments from God and are non-negotiable. As a Christian, you must be obedient to God, even if you, in all your great wisdom, disagree with Him.

Fitment Blueprints (what fits where)

Putting it all Together

Approximately half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce, but it is significantly less in Christian marriages where both sexes embrace their God-given rolls and are engaged in an active church community. When married couples divorce, it is primarily because the husband and wife have not embraced their individual responsibilities- individual Gender Blueprints- and followed the pattern of design for marriage- the Marriage Blueprint. This, in turn, destroys the Family Blueprint, Parental Blueprint, Friendship Blueprint, Financial Blueprint, and so on. Frankly, if you want to know why there are so many problems in the world, like crime, gender confusion/dysphoria (we will cover that in part 2), homosexuality, adultery, rape, gangs, and a litany of other prevailing social issues, all you have to do is look at the home. Statistics show that over ninety-one percent of homosexuals and sex offenders (including rape, sodomy, and pedophilia) have had an abusive childhood and over eighty-eight percent of gang members come from a fatherless home. Those statistics are societal indications that we are not following our pattern of design and underscores the importance of following the blueprint God has drafted for us.

A Wife’s Obedience

Without a doubt, the most controversial responsibility God gives wives is submission in obedience to their husband, “wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.” (Ephesians 5:22-24, ESV) This immediately stirs up the spirit of rebellion in the woman and she refuses to obey her husband as the God-given authority in the home. Now, before you start shifting blame or justifying your rebellion, and say things like, “but he never…,” or, “well, he always…,” or, “if you knew him, …” But I don’t need to know him or your circumstance to say you should be obedient to your responsibilities to the Lord. That includes submitting to the authority of your husband, whether you think he deserves it or not.

A Husband’s Sacrifice

Now, the husband may have greater authority within the household, but he also has a greater responsibility. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.” (Ephesians 5:24-28, ESV) And, before you start shifting blame or justifying your rebellion, and say things like, “but she never…,” or, “well, she always…,” or, “if you knew her…,” I don’t need to know her or your circumstance to say you should be obedient to your responsibilities to the Lord. Your responsibility as the husband is to do everything for the holiness and sanctification of your wife, up to sacrificing your life for her, whether you think she deserves it or not. To love her even when you think she is unlovable and disrespectful. That’s a tall order, I know, but that’s your job. Lead as a servant, willing to sacrifice, especially your pride.

Rebellion in the Marriage

Just as the wife often rebels against her obligation of obedience and submission, the husband often rebels against his obligation of service and sacrifice (Ephesians 5:25, John 15:13). Not to put too fine of a point on it but, men, if you refuse your obligations to be an honorable sacrificial leader, who treats his wife as Christ treats the church, you’re being a dirtbag and you shouldn’t expect her to submit to you or respect you. It’s just not going to happen. You’re the head of the house and it always starts with you. Full stop. Lead actively, don’t be passive. Take your family to church. Your wife doesn’t want to go? Too bad. It’s not her decision. It’s yours. The head of the house takes the initiative and responsibility. You want respect and honor, be respectable and honorable.

Responsibility or Reward?

Keep in mind, also, that your responsibilities are not exclusively dutiful. I mean, yeah, it will feel like a chore and horribly difficult to respect a man that doesn’t act loving or love a woman that is disrespectful. It will be a daily effort of dying to yourself and swallowing your pride, (Ephesians 4:14-24) and most importantly, putting into practice: “be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32, ESV) But God always has a way of softening people who seek Him. You cannot change another’s attitude or actions, that’s exclusively God’s glory, but you can both diligently seek Him and His will. And if you take the lead as a man and make individual changes in yourself, allowing God to mold you into a gentle-man, you’ll find your dutiful responsibilities become less like chores and more like satisfying accomplishments. Before you know it, the heart of your spouse may be inspired to change and soften as they are prompted by the Holy Spirit and the relationship that was once calloused and hostile has been restored and renewed by God’s grace and is now the reward.

Marriage Blueprints – Simplified

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)

So, according to Scripture, a wife is to submit to her husband, regardless of whether she thinks he deserves it, because the husband is the representative of Christ in the home. Christ is the head of the church and lovingly leads His church, and the church submits to Christ in everything. Christ serves the church and sacrificed Himself, laying down His life in love, in order to purify His bride (the church). In the same way, a man is to be a servant leader and sacrifice everything for his wife, whether he thinks she deserves it or not, in order to lovingly lead her to holiness in Christ. In this Marriage Blueprint, the wife should willfully and lovingly submit to the husband’s lead because she knows he is leading her to righteousness in Christ with every step. That means every decision is made for the benefit of her relationship with Jesus Christ. In that pattern of design, children, and by extension the entire community, would follow this blueprint and have servant hearts for the good of other people. Society would be kind, generous, and loving and serve others before their own self-interests. In-fact, that is exactly how the first century church was patterned: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3, ESV) Even in the midst of horrible persecution, Christians served and sacrificed for others out of love. Even when it sucked.

If you’ve neglected or rejected your blueprints, or if you have been reading from the wrong set of blueprints, you have done damage to yourself and your home. But it’s not too late. There is a Master Carpenter, the Architect of design, who can repair that damage and get your house in order. You just have to let Him. So, study the plan and God’s intended design for you. Pattern your life after the blueprint God has for you. Humble yourself. Own your responsibilities and do your own job. You will find that you are made for it and the parts of your house will start falling in place when we follow God’s design for men, women, and the home- our blueprints.

Covid-19 and Christians

What Every Christian Must Know About Covid-19 Mandates and Injections

Cool-Headed or Kool Aid?

Let’s start the new year off with a bang and discuss the hottest topic of conversation in the world: Covid-19 “vaccines.” Now, I know half of you will immediately roll your eyes and hit the X in the upper right of the screen because you’ve already made-up your mind that Covid-19 is an existential threat to the human race and you refuse to listen to reason. Cool. Whatev. Flip to CNN and drink that Kool Aid bro. But I hope the rest of you read this entire blog and learn something you didn’t know that will help you to an informed decision without employers, politics, or cable news influencing you. There is a lot to discuss, so let’s get after it.

Why Does Any of This Matter to Christians?

First and foremost, Christians have a duty to be informed. You cannot simply sit on your butt and refuse to think or talk about politics and religion. Remember, Christians are “in the world,” but not “of the world.” That means you are a citizen of heaven because of Jesus and are supposed to have an impact on this world for Jesus (John 17:6-18). Don’t be lazy. Have the knowledge and courage to discuss your faith and political stance with kindness and respect. As Peter says, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15, NIV) And be ok with agreeing to disagree, agreeably.

The Bible also directs Christians to increase in knowledge (2 Peter 3:18) and to make life’s decisions based upon God’s Word (Proverbs 3:5-6). As such, our faith must inform every part of our life, including medical decisions. Regardless of what a liberal socialist governor, senile puppet president, or cable news network talking head says, we are to make decisions in light of what God says. He is the authority we listen to. My family and I absolutely will not receive any COVID-19 injections because Christians are to keep our bodies clean from experimental drugs and treat it as God’s Temple, and, most importantly, because we are to respect the sanctity of life. Furthermore, there are efficacy and civic reasons to refuse these injections that we will talk about later. But first, I want every Christian to be informed and understand very important issues related to these Covid “vaccines.” In obedience to 2 Peter 3:18, I have researched (and included citations from Scripture, The Constitution, and several other sources), and will explain why this vaccine mandate is ineffective and unnecessary, and how it violates both religious freedom and civic rights.

It Violates the Christian Faith

This is the biggest concern for Christ-followers that most Christians simply do not know. Covid injections violate the Christian faith. Yup, you read that right. Christians cannot receive the Covid injection in good conscience because it runs contrary to our beliefs. Let me explain. As Christian, we believe what God says in the Bible about life. God says that life begins at conception, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 39:13, NIV) “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 39:16, NIV)“Before I formed you in the womb I knewyou, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5, NIV)Clearly God sees an unborn baby as a precious child that He created from the moment of conception, not simply as a lump of flesh. Because of that, you have no right to end that life. If you do, it’s nothing less than murder, according to God.

Abortion is simply an academic word for infanticide- the murder of infants. Covid “vaccines” (which are not vaccines at all according to the definition) are researched, developed, tested, manufactured, and produced using the cell lines of murdered unborn babies. And Christians can never condone, participate in, or benefit from murder. The fact is, you cannot be a Christian and believe that abortion is ok. Period.

Unfortunately, the bodies of preborn babies have been harvested for vaccine research, development, testing, production, and manufacturing for decades, dating back as far as the 1960s. There are multiple aborted fetal cell lines currently in use, and each one can be traced back to a preborn baby.[1] All vaccines currently available in the U.S., including every single vaccine for COVID-19, are derived from cell lines WI-38, MRC-5, HEK-293, PER C6, WI-26, VA4, and Walvax-2.[2] These cell lines are literally the remains of unborn children, killed in the womb- dismembered, decapitated, crushed, and chopped into little pieces, then stored in a freezer to be used as “medicine.”[3] Additionally, pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson actively use recently aborted fetal tissue, not only in the research and development of these vaccines, but also in the testing, manufacture, and production of them.[4] This is a great evil for Christians because, according to God (and modern science) a new life, composed of his/her own unique genetic code, begins at the moment of fertilization. The very first cellular division is neither the genetic code of the sperm or egg, but a brand-new unique genetic structure. This means that, biologically, this new life inside the womb is, in-fact, a separate new life who has his/her own human rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is a baby, not simply a part of a woman’s body. Genetic testing confirms this as scientific fact and is irrefutable.

Children are recognized by God at the moment of conception (Genesis 4:1,17 Jeremiah 1:5), knit together in the womb, are blessings from God, and are cherished and loved by God. Murdering children and using their remains is condemned by God and as such, contrary to the Christian faith. Christians may never benefit, or take any part in, these evil practices in any way. If you are ok with abortion, make no mistake, God is not ok with you.

Trust in God

Christians must place our faith in God and trust Him unequivocally. Now, I am not going to spout-off about how Christians should rely exclusively on their faith for healing and reject life-saving medical treatments. That is stupid, ignorant, reckless, and irresponsible. God gave us the ability to study His creation and use medical science in order to protect life, and we should, in conjunction with our faith in God’s will. However, on issues where medical science has violated the sanctity of life in order to make advancements, Christians must draw the line and place their faith in God’s sovereignty and His will over medical science and man’s will. You cannot condone any evil practice in the name of science. You should be trusting God more than man and seeking His will, especially when you are scared.

The fact is, God is in control and He doesn’t want you to worry about things you cannot control (Matthew 6:26-34). “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” (Matthew 6:26-27, NIV) Jesus straight-up says, “These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of Godabove all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So, don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:32-34, NIV) So just take a breath, chill out, and trust God, even with Covid-19. You’ll be ok, seriously.

Secular Civic Perspective- Health, Necessity, and Efficacy

It Is What It Is

Let’s call it what it is and what it isn’t. It’s not a vaccine, and it’s not effective. It is, however, a vile of dead baby parts and experimental material that changes your DNA. The definition of a vaccination is, “an injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease.”[5] Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body. The healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them.[6] The Covid-19 “vaccines” work differently. They are genetically engineered mRNA, which alters your own DNA, to make your body target a specific S protein on the cellular surface. This causes your body to create antibodies and develop T cells in the hopes that when (not if) you contract Covid, your body will have a defense. However, these injections offer significantly less protection than natural immunity and the mortality rate of contracting Covid-19 compared to the seasonal flu is significantly less, especially among children. Moreover, there is virtually no health risks in children attributed to Covid-19, but significant heart inflammation and other cardiac risks in healthy children and young men that receive the Covid injections. This leads me to believe the injections are unnecessary and dangerous for healthy people, especially the youth.

Furthermore, according to Oregon’s governor, Kate Brown (who is just one of several communist governors enforcing draconian measures and tyrannical edicts), the Oregon Health Authority and the Office of the Oregon Secretary of State, the premise of this vaccine mandate is the “alarming spike in COVID-19 hospitalizations being driven by the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant.”[7],[8] However, according to the same sources (OHA and OSS) the current vaccines are ineffective against the COVID-19 Delta and Omicron variants, thereby undermining the premise of the vaccine mandate.[9] If the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective, they serves no practical purpose and fail the first of three components of the “Lemon Test” (used in court as a legal standard from Lemon v. Kurtzman): it must have a secular purpose.[10]

It’s Illegal to Make You Take It

As stated in the US Constitution, the First Amendment Establishment Clause, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”[11] This prohibits the advance, coercion, or endorsement a particular religion or religion over non-religion. The U.S. Supreme Court has exercised special vigilance over compliance with the Establishment Clause in cases regarding the test of a person’s “religious sincerity.” For example, in Edwards v. Aguillard,  a case regarding schools, the U.S. Supreme Court stated, “families entrust public schools with the education of their children, but condition their trust on the understanding that the classroom will not purposely be used to advance religious views that may conflict with the private beliefs of the student and his or her family.”[12] Clearly, the court’s understanding of governmental authority stops at the point of infringement on individual rights and certainly does not include determining an individual’s “religious sincerity.”

In response to the infringement of an individual’s rights as prescribed in the First Amendment, courts have used different tests to determine whether a governmental entity has violated the Establishment Clause as a protection of one’s religious rights, not to prohibit them. As referenced above, the first test developed by the U.S. Supreme Court is referred to as the “Lemon Test,” derived from Lemon v. Kurtzman in 1971. The Lemon Test applies three factors: governmental action (1) must have a secular purpose, (2) must have a primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion, and (3) must not foster an excessive government entanglement with religion.[13] The COVID-19 injection mandates clearly violate all three criteria of the Lemon Test and is, therefore, illegal.

Civic Responsibility of Safety vs Individual Liberty

Now, it is true, that individuals have a responsibility for the good of public health. We should fully support that. However, public health concerns do not nullify individual freedoms. The rub is that one individual right to privacy, body autonomy, religious freedom, etc. cannot supersede the right of another individual(s) (as explained in Lemon v. Kurtzman). Proponents of these mandates refer to a case all the way back in 1905, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, where the individual was compelled to receive a smallpox vaccination. However, the country was facing a ravaging outbreak of smallpox, not the flu, sanitation was awful, and dysentery was the number one cause of death in the US. It is in that specific context that the Court made the ruling, almost 120 years ago, that enforcement of the smallpox vaccine was legal. The court held that mandatory vaccinations are neither arbitrary nor oppressive so long as they do not “go so far beyond what was reasonably required for the safety of the public.” Today, 117 years later, we have soap in every bathroom, toilets that flush in every home, and we haven’t seen smallpox in America since 1949. There is also the fact that the symptoms of Covid-19 infection are exactly the same as the seasonal flu. So, I ask you, are these mandates “reasonably required for the safety of the public”? No, no they are not.

Regarding Accommodations

Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs

Doctrinal disagreements aside, all Christians have sincerely held beliefs established by God in the Bible. Additionally, there remain those who have sincerely held religious beliefs, yet are unaware of individual actions that may violate the teachings and commands of their faith. Medications (like the COVID-19 “vaccine”) may (and in-fact, do) contain substances that are prohibited by the Christian faith without their knowledge. One may even be ignorant to some of the teachings of their faith and how receiving this injection violates God’s commands, but they may be a genuine and authentic Christian with sincerely held religious beliefs. The fact is, it is impossible for another person, much less a governing body, to know what is in another person’s heart. Only God knows the human heart (1 Kings 8:39, 1 Chronicles 28:9, 1 Samuel 16:7, Psalm 7:9, Psalm 19:14, Psalm 26:2, Psalm 38:9, Psalm 44:21, Psalm 139:2-23, Proverbs 15:26, Proverbs 21:2, Jeremiah 11:20, Jeremiah 20:12, Ezekiel 11:5, Matthew 9:4, Mark 2:8, Luke 5:22, Revelation 2:23).

The Americans with Disabilities Act and Title Vll of the Civil Rights Act grant exemptions from such draconian measures because of one’s disability, medical condition, or “sincerely held religious beliefs.”[14] Exemptions means just that, you are exempt from it. It simply does not apply to you. Nothing is said about exceptions or accommodations or about being extorted to obey a communist edict under threats of losing your job or banishment from interstate travel. No one has the right to force you to compromise your integrity and violate your faith or your freedoms. Period.

Problems with Exemptions

Now, on to the exemptions. The question of who qualifies for the medical exemption is problematic, at best, due to the various unknown medical conditions, allergies, and medication interactions one may have. Moreover, very little research has been done on these vaccines, as they have been expedited for production without extensive human trials, and all that are available in the U.S. are still under experimental trials.

Additionally, the language given for a religious exemption is, not only subjective to an individual or entity, but also ambiguous and vague. What constituted sincerity? Are there different levels? What authority does anyone in government have to discern who is and who is not sincere in their religious devotion? One’s devotion to their faith ebbs and flows throughout life and varies, sometimes to extreme degrees, based on life circumstances. For example, an individual who has shown no previous devotion to faith may, quite literally overnight, devote their life to God. The loss of a loved one or the birth of a child may suddenly impact an individual to such an extent that they reevaluate and realign life priorities. Their religious devotion may have changed overnight yet is non-the-less just as sincerely held. There is no test or court precedent that can be utilized in judging another person’s religious sincerity. Nor should there be. It’s none of their dam business. That’s between you and God.

Body Autonomy

My Body, God’s Choice

Beginning at the time for confession and repentance, God, in the Person of the Holy Spirit, resides in the heart and soul of a Christian. This means that the physical body of a believer in Jesus Christ is the dwelling place of God- His home. This also means Christians are to honor God with how we treat our bodies, making what we inject into our bodies especially significant. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NIV). God, not you, not me, and certainly not the government, dictates what He will or will not allow in His Temple.

Furthermore, since January of 1973, when Roe vs Wade was wrongly decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of providing a woman with the unqualified “right” to end the life of her unborn baby,[15] the justification for abortion has been, “my body, my choice.” I fail to see the distinction between a woman’s legal right to end a life and my legal right to protect my own. A woman can have her baby dismembered, decapitated, mutilated, and crushed into pieces while inside her womb, but she cannot refuse an experimental injection? That is absurd.

Christian Obligations

Obedience to Authority

I have heard the arguments for receiving the injection because of the biblical requirement for Christians to obey authorities. Yes, Christians are to obey the authorities that rule over us because they have been given this authority by God: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Romans 13:1, NIV)However, Christian obedience is conditional upon these authorities doing what is right. Furthermore, what is “right” and “wrong” is defined by God, not said authorities. People in positions of power have been placed in their respective positions for the expressed purpose of doing good for those they serve and are to punish wrongdoers. They are to be protectors, not oppressors, “For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” (Romans 13:4, NIV)When Christians are instructed by the earthly authorities to engage in anything that violates God’s Word, Christians must obey God rather than man, regardless of consequence. “But Peter and John replied, ‘Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.’” (Acts 4:19-20, NIV)Don’t fear what the government can do to you for disobedience, fear what God can do to you for disobedience. As Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28, NIV)

Individual Accountability

Finally, the consequences for our actions in sinning against God are inescapable. “God will repay each person according to what they have done,” (Romans 2:6, Psalm 62:12, NIV)and ignorance is no excuse, “If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?” (Proverbs 24:12, NIV)We are all answerable to God for our decisions and I won’t answer for participating in the genocide of preborn babies. I hope you don’t have to.

Given the referenced material, scientific data, and Scripture provided, I hope that it is clear how compliance to these mandates suppress the Christian faith, violates our civil rights, is unsafe and ineffective, and is a great sin against God. Now, the only question is, do you have the balls to take a stand?

I leave you with a quote from Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms of 1521, where Martin Luther faced charges of heresy and insurrection, punishable by excommunication and death. Standing on trial before the Catholic church, Emperor Charles V, local government officials, and his peers and friends, Luther stated, “…my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise, God help me. Amen.”

God bless you. And as always, feel free to leave a message, reply, or email.



[1] “A Guide to Human Fetal Cell Lines from Aborted Children Used in Vaccine Development” Novielli, Carole. Live Action (www.liveaction.org), December 30, 2020, Accessed Aug 14, 2021.

[2] “What You Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccines” Newsroom. Live Action, December 24, 2020  (www.liveaction.org), Accessed Aug 14, 20021.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Definition of Vaccination, Medical Definition of Vaccination, (rxlist.com). Stöppler, Melissa C. MD 3/29/2021. Accessed Jan 2, 2022.

[6] Ibid.

[7] “All State of Oregon Executive Branch Employees Required to be Fully Vaccinated” Brown, Kate. Press Release: Oregon Governor. GOV [email protected]. Accessed 8 Aug, 2021.

[8] “Making Requirements for Indoor Spaces” Temporary Administrative Order PH-35-2021. CH 333. Fagan, Shemia, Secretary of State. 333-019-1025. Accessed 8 Aug, 2021.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602 (1971).

[11] Amendment I, Bill of Rights, Madison, James.  September 25, 1789. Bill of Rights (1791). Bill of Rights Institute. Accessed 8 Aug, 2021.

[12] Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578, 584 (1987).

[13] Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602 (1971).

[14]Civil Rights Act of 1964, (Pub. L. 88-352) (Title VII), United States Code, vol 42. sec 2000e. Accessed Aug 14, 2021.

[15] Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973).

Six Things You Must Believe to Be a Christian, and a Few Things You Don’t

First Off, Christianity is Simple

It really is simple. Simple enough for a child to understand. We have all done bad things (original sin, sins of commission, and sins of omission) and nothing we can do takes away the bad we have done (stain of sin). There are consequences for doing wrong (sin equals death). God cannot be around anything bad (God’s righteousness is absent all evil) so we cannot go to heaven without fixing what is bad (God’s righteousness demands separation from sin). God knew we couldn’t fix sin on our own and pay for the consequences (without God, we are powerless against sin), so, even though we don’t deserve it, He did it for us (grace). Jesus left heaven, was born from a virgin (divine conception) and lived as 100% man and 100% God (hypostatic union) and was without sin (blemish-free sacrificial Lamb of God). He willingly died on a cross to pay in full (complete and total ‘propitiation’ or atonement) our penalty (death and separation from God), went to hell and defeated death (conquered sin and death) and rose from the grave (bodily resurrection under His own power and authority) three days later (death for three days was irrefutable evidence of death in Jewish custom). Anyone who believes in Jesus (places their complete faith in Him and His finished work) and loves Him (has a genuine, personal, and dependent relationship) will go to heaven (eternally present with God, absent of anything but good). Christianity is all about Jesus. Simple, right?

Things You Must Believe About Jesus

What do you mean, “Things you must actually believe”? This is the meat and potatoes of Christian theology. Now, don’t give me the deer-in-the-headlights stare just cause a said the word theology. I’ll break it down into what exactly Christians believe in an outline. Super simple. These are the deal breakers:

  1. Jesus is God
    • Jesus affirms that He is God (John 10:30) and His Apostle, “doubting” Thomas, directly says it after physically putting his fingers in the scars of the resurrected Jesus (John 20:28)
    • Jesus is part of the trinity- Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
    • Only God can live up to the standard demanded for the atonement of sin. If Jesus is not God, He cannot pay for sin.
  2. Salvation Through Jesus Alone (Acts 4:10-12)
    • Jesus left heaven (John 3:13, 6:38, 51, Philippians 2:6-7, Ephesians 4:10)
    • Born from a virgin named Mary (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:27, 1:34, 2:1-7, John 1:14, 1 John 4:9)
    • Never sinned (Isaiah 53:9, Matthew 27:24, Luke 1:35, John 19:4, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 4:15, 1 Peter 2:22, 1 John 3:5)
  3. Jesus Did It All
    • His grace saves us, not our words or deeds
    • There is nothing we can do to earn God’s favor or gain access to heaven apart from His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  4. Jesus was Bodily Resurrected (John 2:19-21)
    • Jesus is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25)
    • Everyone who believes is Jesus takes part in His resurrection (John 11:25-26)
    • Without Jesus’ bodily resurrection, sin and death is not conquered. And if that’s the case, we are all going to hell (1 Corinthians 15:14)
  5. Scripture is God’s Perfect Word (2 Timothy 3:16 and pretty much all of Psalm 119)
  6. Faith in the Gospel of Jesus Saves
    • Paul straight-up said this, “By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.” (1 Corinthians 15:2, NIV)
    • Gospel is: (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
      • Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures
      • He was buried
      • He was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures

Simple, right? You believe that about Jesus and are authentic about it, you’re a Christian. You don’t, well, you’re not. Again, simple.


Creeds are core beliefs in written form, spoken as confirmation of belief. Beginning in the first few centuries, followers of Christ developed a means of communicating these essential beliefs in the form of creeds. In-fact, church tradition credits the Apostles with the first creed, The Old Roman Creed, while they were still in Jerusalem all the way back at Pentecost. The Old Roman Creed developed throughout the centuries to the Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, Chalcedonian Creed, Didache, Baptismal Creed of Jerusalem. These developments were a primary means to combat heresy and to teach new Christians their core beliefs as Christians.

There are many, many more creeds that have been developed, and far too many denominational differences to cover. But the essentials are our primary concern because that’s what make or breaks whether you are a Christian or not. Denominations really are not a big concern. Why you may ask? Think of it like ice cream. There are countless different flavors of ice cream, but they all have the same basic components that make it ice cream. Once you change one of them, however, it may turn into frozen yogurt. That’s not ice cream. It’s a fake and gross. You cannot change a basic component of the Christian faith (like the deity of Christ) or it becomes fake, and gross.

One More Thing:

Major on the majors, not the minors. Do not get hung up on so many differences that just don’t really matter all that much. Gather on Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday, or whenever, it doesn’t really matter. Worship standing, sitting, clapping or jumping, it doesn’t really matter. Rapture happens before, in the middle, or after the Great Tribulation, doesn’t really matter. Personally, I love talking about that stuff, but most people don’t, and it can cause division if you’re not careful. At the risk of sounding pretentious, I’ll quote a famous theologian that sums up this final point quite nicely, “In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas,” translated, “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.” Rupertus Meldenius  

Thanks for hanging out, and as always, feel free to message, comment, or reply.

God bless,


Hello Men! Welcome to the Regular Man Ministry Blog!

Christian Devotionals and Blogs for the Regular Everyday Man

Regular Man Ministry is exactly what the name says: a ministry for the regular everyday guy. You won’t get the feel-good Joel Osteen life coach or Benny Hinn pretend profit crap here. No fluff, no Health Wealth and Prosperity garbage, no pretention, and no excuses. Simply authentic Christian teaching for real men. I absolutely will be speaking about religion, politics, civic engagement, history, gender, and ethics. So, if you are uber sensitive and would like to stay in a safe space with your skinny jeans and man bun, get in your Subaru and leave. This isn’t the site for you. At RegularManMinistry we love law enforcement, we love the military, we love America, and most of all we love Jesus.

Full Disclosure

I am no pastor and I have no church. Additionally, you will find I certainly don’t act, speak, or teach like one. I don’t have the patience or the personality for all that. I have studied Scripture for decades and received my Bachelors of Science in Religion and Theology from Liberty University, summa cum loude. But, I didn’t do all that for a piece of paper to frame and hang on my wall or to brag. I got my degree for me. For my faith. And for my own conviction in the answers I found for the “Big Questions” of life. For the questions that keep us up at night because of a deployment, terminal diagnosis, divorce, addiction or the mounting pressures of everyday life that can cause us to simply crack one day. I’ll get to all that eventually, but for my first blog post, I simply want you to know what to expect.

What to Expect

I do not have an agenda and I’m not selling anything. I am just like you, a regular man with everyday issues. I’m not trashing local churches. They are necessary. It’s true, we need local churches, pastors, preachers, priests, elders, deacons, and all of the other components that make up a local Christian congregation. However, these local churches all have bills to pay. Those are real concerns, and, again, I am not trying to bag on the church. I have bills to pay too. I have a mortgage, five mouths to feed, and all the obligations that accompany being a tax-payer, husband, and father. But, additional local church financial obligations tend to… influence, sermons on Sundays and greatly reduce accountability for fear of offending and losing church members. I do not have the obligation of church staff wages, a building mortgage, or building maintenance and utilities. In short, I have nothing that would keep me from being 100% real with you. And that is exactly what this blog is about.

What’s On Here and Where is It?

RegularManMinistry.com is all about real-speak to real men. Period. In addition to the RegularManMinistry Blog, you will find an archive of Devotionals to read, a gallery where you can upload your picture and social media link (seriously, no man buns), Q and A page where you can ask questions about Christianity, theology, church history, or just about anything you can imagine, and can also subscribe at the bottom of this page for new devotionals and blogs. Of course, you can always donate to Regular Man Ministry on the donation page to help pay for the website. However, prayer is always the best support you can give.

So, thank you for hanging out and reading this. If you ever have a question about my blogs or devotionals, just ask. Share on social media and come back for new content! God bless.