Regular Man Podcast
In the last episode, The Church, Men, and Masculinity, we discussed how both the culture, and the church are inundated with feminism, and how that feminism villainizes and repulses men.
Additionally, we discussed how men inherently know there is a story of manhood that calls to us- a masculine mission that God has placed within the heart of each man. A mission in which we fight for justice, order, victory over evil, and the prize of our bride.
We discovered that movies and stories that illustrate the masculine nature of manhood seem to draw us into that narrative, and we increase in admiration and affection of those characters who exude masculinity and motivate us to embrace our part of a much larger story.
We barely scratched the surface of masculinity, speaking about it in a very general sense. So today we’re going to go quite a bit deeper into what masculinity is all about, and we have a lot of Scripture to cover. As I said, I will try to keep this episode around the 30 minutes. But make sure you listen all the way to the end because the last part is the most important part.
Today, we’re going to look at 3 components of masculinity:
The Work of Masculinity
The Attitude of Masculinity
The Application of Masculinity
Now, as you well know, no one respects a man who is all talk. Because all the talk in the world is worthless unless you follow it up with action. You can spend all day studying Scripture and learning all about historical and cultural context, for example, and you can talk a big game like a theologian, but if you don’t actually apply it to your life, all you’ve done is run your mouth like a fool and proven you have no credibility. You just wasted everyone’s time and ruined any chance you had at gaining respect.
In other words, don’t just talk about it, be about it.
So, application is last on this list, but it is by far the most important component.
Although masculinity is deeply ingrained within our male nature, it is also externally gained- it’s a learned behavior. So just because you may not have been taught how to be a masculine man doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to become one. Everyone can learn how to be more masculine, I mean, unless you’re Chuck Norris.
And let me also say that I am in great debt to some amazing authors, pastors, and podcasters for their influence on me and on the content I will put forward on just about every episode of the Regular Man Podcast. Authors like Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant, Zachary Garris, Dale Partridge, and Doug Wilson, and podcasters like Eric Conn and Brian Sauve in the Hard man Podcast and The King’s Hall, and T.J. Sumpter, Chocolate Knox, and the waterboy in Cross Politic. If you haven’t checked those guys out, I highly encourage you to check out those podcasts and authors. You’ll be encouraged, you’ll learn a few things, and if you’re like me, you’ll also be convicted in areas of your life you need to tighten up. I will be referencing much of their content in this episode and in future episodes.
After the last episode was released, I received quite a bit of feedback. Most was very positive feedback from men starved for this kind of content. They wanted more and they were excited for content that gives voice to the things they feel and gives a blueprint for the design of the biblically masculine man.
And then there were others who were, let’s say, less receptive- and less excited. But whether you love it or hate it, keep coming back, watching and sharing, and keep the feedback coming on twitter and YouTube. Even the hate mail. I need something to make fun of.
Now, to get a basic understanding of the first component of biblical masculinity, we’re going to look primarily at two people: Adam, the first man, and Paul, the man who God used to pen most of the New Testament and who established and instructed the first Christian churches in the world.
The Work of Masculinity
Masculine Men Work
One of the first things God did for the first man was to give him the first job.
(Gen 2:19-20) Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field. That was Adam’s first job.
Think of that. The very first man in history needed a job, even though he lived in a perfect world.
That should tell you that Men need to work.
Men are built for work. We’re designed to work.
And that work is a good thing.
In-fact, it is actually sinful for a man to sit around, be lazy, and not work. Paul straight-up says that if you don’t work, you don’t eat
(2 Thess 3:10) For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
There was no welfare, no social security, and no worker’s comp. There were those who worked, and those who begged. And the beggars were because they were physically unable to work, not because they were strung-out on meth or because they were soft little computer nerds playing dungeons and dragons. Even pagans expected men to work.
If you don’t work and don’t provide for your family, you’re an absolute dirtbag. I’m not talking about if you have a broken back, or you’re retired. If you are retired, you put in your work and are living off of what you’ve already worked for. I’m talking about the able-bodied man who refuses to work.
(1 Tim 5:8) says, “if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” That’s bad. That’s like, you’re worse than an Antifa punk in Portland crying about the orange man and mean tweets while you’re rioting on MLK Blvd.
This is something that the church can, and should, practice church discipline over. If you’re denying the faith by refusing to work, and you’re not providing for your family, you’re a puke.
So, get busy and start making money- make an honest living. Cause if you don’t, you’re actually denying the faith according to the Apostle Paul.
Ok, so we’ve established that masculine men work, but what do they work towards?
I mean, Adam’s first job was to name all the animals, right? So, what does he do when he’s finished naming the dog, the cat, the bird and the bear?
What’s the point of all that work?
Adam was naming the animals because he had authority over them. You don’t name things unless you have authority. And God gave Adam authority over all of creation.
That work was to prepare him for his ultimate mission.
Masculine Men have a Mission
Man’s Mission is to Take Dominion
We already read that God made Adam and gave him a job. Now we will see that God also gave Adam a mission, should he choose to accept it or not.
In (Gen 1:28), God tells Adam to subdue the earth and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds in the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth.
Having dominion means to rule over the earth.
Subdue means to subjugate, vanquish, or put down, to conquer.
So, when God says we are to take dominion over the earth, He is quite literally saying to reign over all of creation, with His image, and bend it to your will with kingly authority.
God made man and gave him His image to establish His presence and rule in the physical realm. To bring heaven to earth through His living image. God’s purpose in giving humanity His image was so we can rule the created order on behalf of God. So, the divine image of God gives mankind the capability, honor, authority, and responsibility of ruling over all of creation. This is part of the Missio Dei, or Mission of God. To take dominion.
A man on a mission
A man on a mission is the natural outworking process of his work. That is why so many men feel the drive to achieve great things in their career. Their job is meant as preparation for their greater, lifelong job, or mission. It’s part of the big picture of why you are here on earth.
A man’s mission is his telos, or ultimate goal- his aim in life. The telos is, essentially, what a thing is designed for. The telos for an acorn is to grow and develop into an oak tree, and the telos for a boy is to grow and develop into a man. As you grow into, and continue through, your mission, you develop the characteristics of your telos.
The acorn seed sprouts and continually grows through many different seasons, until its small stem develops into a solid sturdy trunk. It grows deep life-giving roots, strong branches, and oxygen-producing leaves that give life to the environment in which it lives. And the oak tree eventually bears fruit: more little acorns that all have their own telos, just like that old oak tree they all came from.
In the same way, the young boy sprouts and starts his work, then he embraces his mission and grows into his telos. He grows through adolescence and into adulthood with deep roots in Christ- the Giver of life. He develops branches- strong ties to church, family, and his community, and he produces work that benefit his environment- the Kingdom of God. This is every man’s telos- his mission- and it brings glory to God.
A masculine man grows in his relationship with God and embraces the missio dei- the Mission of God.
In his book, It’s Good to Be a Man, Michael Foster states, “All creation shares, participates in, and reflects one ultimate telos: to serve and bring glory to God (Colossians 1:16-18, Romans 11:36). Each created thing participates differently in the ultimate telos according to its unique place and design.”
God made the sun, moon, stars, and the earth and populated it. Then, He made a man and gave him a job in preparation for his mission. Then He started him on the first part of his mission: to tend and keep the garden (Gen 2:7-8, 2:15)
Missio Dei
The Missio Dei is the Mission of God. It’s embracing the mission that God has for mankind and picking up, as image bearers, where God left off. He did the heavy lifting and created it all, now He wants us to enjoy it, bring it to order, make use of it, and multiply His image.
He created us to work towards the goal of something. And that something is to reorder, or bring order to, all of creation. The same mission He gave to Adam, He gives to me and you: To take dominion. To multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. To bring God’s Kingdom to earth. And to do it all, in the name and power of Jesus Christ.
Multiply- Fill the Earth
The second part of a man’s mission is something he can’t do alone: he has to have babies. Now, I guarantee this will set-off all the femnatzis and cause some bra-burning bonfires. But I don’t care. God made woman to help man on his mission. That’s a woman’s mission: help man. In-fact, that’s literally her name: the Hebrew phrase: ‘ezer kenegdo.’ Ezer means “helper,” and kenegdo means, “corresponding or opposite to him.” So, the Bible literally says that God gave Adam a helper that is opposite of him, that corresponds with him. A perfect helper for him. Perfect to help him on his mission.
Putting it all together, we see that the man’s mission is twofold:
1 Take dominion of the world, subdue it, bend it to his will and benefit.
2 Multiply, fill the earth, bring God’s Kingdom to earth in the name and for the glory of Christ.
The woman’s mission is also twofold:
1 Help her husband to take dominion of the world, subdue it, bend it to his will and benefit.
2 Help her husband multiply, fill the earth, bring God’s Kingdom to earth in the name and for the glory of Christ.
You see, even though her job is to help, she has the same mission. Adam can’t complete his mission without her, and she can’t complete her mission without him. So, they both must work together as a team, equal in personhood and value, to unite as corresponding parts of the same human race, to subdue the earth, take dominion, and multiply. Together the husband and wife unite in spirit and in flesh to make another eternal soul to care for, teach, and raise up in the Lord. This is, quite literally, bringing God’s Kingdom to earth. That’s it. That’s your purpose in life. That’s your telos!
You can read all this in (Gen 1:28,2:18-23)
Mission First
The Mission Always Comes First
You’ve read in great stories and watched great movies when the hero puts everything down, even his life sometimes, for the success of his mission. To break out POWs, patch a hole in a sinking ship, or distract enemy forces long enough for others to escape. The mission has to come first.
So, God made Adam, gave him a job, then a mission, then the girl, why do so many men make the girl the mission? Your mission is not to get the girl. You need to get on mission first- get up front- on point- and then your helper will meet you on your mission. If you make her your mission, she won’t respect you and she won’t submit to your authority.
Think of how women just naturally love a man in uniform. Yeah, you look sharp, squared away, especially the marines. But that’s not the real reason why women love the uniform. They love what the uniform represents, and they naturally want to follow the man who is on a mission. They respect the man who is willing to be self-disciplined, who’s strong and courageous, who shows honor and sacrifice, and is driven to achieve his mission. But they can’t stand a soft, mushy, lazy, beta male.
Now, there are certain things each sex looks for in the opposite sex that are indicators of their own mission.
First and foremost, a woman wants a man who can provide. She wants financial security, physical protection, and direction. Looks are usually towards the bottom of the list. And she can’t stand a self-deprecating, sensitive, emotional, complaining beta male. Even if she says that’s what she wants, she doesn’t. Those are the permanent “friend zone” guys. Also known as panzis.
A guy wants a woman who is attractive, first and foremost, and has a gentle, kind, and submissive nature. Money doesn’t really matter. In-fact, a career-driven woman is kind of a turn-off. And we can’t stand the self-described “strong independent women,” which is nothing more than a rebellious angry feminist loudmouth heffer. Gross.
So, the mission of a man is not to get the girl. The mission of the man is to take dominion. The girl comes after you start your mission. The mission of the woman is to help her man who is already on his mission. And the mission of both of them is to fill the earth and bring God’s Kingdom of believers to earth. To make eternal souls and raise them up in Christ as dominion takers, conquering the world for Christ.
The Attitude of Masculinity
There’s a certain way that a man carries himself
He speaks a certain way
His mannerisms are a certain way
He has an aversion to comfort
He embraces self-discipline
discipline to increase Physical, Mental, and Moral Toughness
Put simply, he does hard things because he’s a hard man.
One of my favorite podcasts is called The Hard Man Podcast. The host, Eric Conn, does a great job examining biblical masculinity and explaining what that looks like in the life of Christian men. As the title suggests, the content revolves around the most fundamental attribute of masculinity: hardness. This term, hardness, is something Scripture teaches and continually reinforces as an integral part of all men, and warns of the significant dangers of being soft, or malikos.
Masculine Men are Not Soft or Effeminate
Malikos is the Greek word for soft- effeminate. It is the opposite of hard masculinity. Jesus teaches that men shouldn’t be soft in Matthew 11 when He commends John the Baptist as being the model of masculinity. He was essentially saying, “This is what men ought to be like.” You may miss it if you’re not paying attention. And our culture adamantly rejects this, but this text teaches that there is actually a way in which men are supposed to dress.
Speaking to a crowd about John the Baptist in (Matthew 11:8-11), Jesus says, “What did you go out to see? A man dressed in soft clothing? Those who wear soft clothing are in kings’ palaces! But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and one who is more than a prophet. (11) Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the baptist! Yet, the one who is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”
The word “soft” here is the Greek word malikos. In today’s vernacular, Jesus would be saying something like, “Who are you expecting? A sissy in a nightgown? Naw, He’s a man’s man. He speaks like a man and dresses like a man. He’s the one ya’ll need to look like.”
John was a hard man, a tough guy. John lived in the wilderness, and he ate locusts and wild honey. He wore clothes made of camel’s hair and he had a leather belt around his waist. When Jesus uses John as the example of masculinity, He points to John’s clothing and contrasts it with that of kings and rulers who wore soft and delicate clothing. Jesus is teaching that there is a distinct way in which a man dresses, and that everyone should be able to tell you’re a man by the clothing you wear.
Men Cannot Dress Like Women
(Deuteronomy 22:5) “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.”
This really is a simple truth: men dress like men, and women dress like women. You could tell that John was a tough guy and that kings were soft and effeminate by the clothing they wore. John wasn’t wearing a pink blouse and skinny jeans or capris. And neither should you.
Now, you might say, ok so what. Jesus said John wasn’t soft. But I can wear whatever I want and live my life as a soft guy if I want. I like tea and poetry and Hallmark movies. It’s not like it’s a sin to be a sensitive guy.
Guess what sissy boy, it actually is.
The Sin of Effeminacy
(1 Cor 6:9-11) Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, (10) nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. (11) Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
This text teaches that once you come to Christ you are no longer defined by the lifestyle or sinful past you had. And it ALSO means that you are no longer to live that sinful lifestyle. God says living as a soft effeminate man is a sin- a grave sin- that can lead to eternal damnation. Everything on that list is a big deal and is damnable. A Christian man doesn’t live a life sleeping around, being self-absorbed, cheating on his wife, committing homosexual acts, stealing, coveting, being a drunk, reviling or cheating other people, or being an effeminate (malikos) man.
If you are living a life characterized by any of this behavior, You MUST Repent. Just as it is with everything listed here, the right response to effeminacy is repentance. Those who are in Christ, who place their faith in Jesus, must reject effeminacy and softness and pursue biblical masculinity. You simply cannot be obedient to Christ if you’re not in pursuit of biblical masculinity. Full stop.
Masculine Men are Self-Disciplined
Perhaps the most important attitude of masculinity is self-discipline.
It keeps you grounded
It keeps you accountable
It empowers and encourages you
But it also keeps you humble
It’s a command from God (2 Thess 3:11-12)
It ties all the other attitudes of masculinity together
And it is a lifestyle, not a single event or a single choice
Now that we’ve gone over the first two components of the Mandate of Masculinity, we will go over the last, and most important part:
The Application of Masculinity
Masculine Men Apply Self-Discipline
This entire section on applying self discipline comes directly from Eric Conn and The Hard Man podcast. Such great content. Look him up and start listening. He’s an absolute stud in my opinion.
If you want to be masculine, you must live a disciplined life. That’s not a one-and-done thing. You have to wake up every morning and choose to be self-disciplined. You have to choose every day to be stronger, more resilient, and more disciplined. You need to look at yourself in the mirror every day and tell yourself, “Do better. Be better. Live better.”
It’s lifestyle that you develop by embracing the act of actually taking control of yourself. By being the master of your decisions and never making excuses. There are few things more effeminate than men making excuses.
If you’re fat, stop eating like a fatso. Turn off the TV, get off the couch, and take a walk.
If you’re tired, stop staying up late. Go to bed.
If you’re weak, get stronger. Go to the gym. Lift heavy things.
If you’re unlearned on something, read a book.
If you’re not “hearing from God” read what He already said. Read your Bible
Stop making excuses. Excuses are malikos- effeminate.
The ONLY way to actually apply masculinity in your life is through discipline.
We’re going to Apply Masculinity by disciplining three things:
Discipline your muscles
Discipline your morals
Discipline your mind
Discipline your Muscles/Body
If you cannot discipline your body to be healthy, strong, tough, and resilient, you will fail at every other area, attitude, and virtue of masculinity.
I guarantee it. This is why the very first thing that the military does when you enter basic training is to put your body through difficulties- to make you do hard things. To find out where your physical limitations are and push beyond that. To transform your civilian body into a warrior’s body.
Think about it. What do you do in basic training? They put you through a very disciplined, structured, and controlled environment that was physically taxing. They teach you how to do something, then they demand that expectation day in and day out. Everything you did was difficult (at first), and it was regimented and under control. But you got stronger. Faster. Better. And more disciplined.
The time of day you woke up and how you groomed yourself was controlled
What you ate and how much you ate was controlled- only what’s on your plate, no desert
Your physical exercise: pushups, sit-ups, pullups, running, and jumping jacks were all controlled
And you had to do it the right way, proper form and together as a group
The chores you did- making your bed, cleaning your footlocker, shining your boots, cleaning the latrine, sweeping and mop the barracks- they were all controlled and had to be done the right way every time, because it will be inspected, and you’ll be held accountable. If it’s wrong, the D.I.’s will smoke you!
You drilled together as a team, marching in-step together as a unit, learning movement commands, practicing armed combat drills and physical combat techniques, in a controlled way
You went to class and learned customs and courtesies, military history, first aid, survival basics, combat survival, and map surveillance in a controlled way
And you did this all the same way, every day, for 2 or 3 months. And that was just the start of the discipline you’d develop during your military career. And it all started with disciplined physical exercise on day one. Day one of becoming a warrior.
Men are meant to be warriors, and you need a warrior’s body to accomplish your warrior mission to take dominion, multiply, protect, and defend.
Men Protect and Defend
If you are a husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, or uncle, or just a biological man, one of your primary responsibilities is the physical security and protection of everyone and everything under your care. In other words, your job is to protect women and children and all those who can’t protect themselves. Because that’s what men do.
So let me ask:
How are you going to protect yourself and your family if you’ve never learned how to fight?
How are you going to protect yourself and your family if you don’t own a firearm or know how to use it?
How are you going to protect yourself and your family if you’re too fat and out of shape to run around the block without being gassed and out of breath?
You’re no good in a fight if you can’t breathe.
You don’t have to be a body builder, MMA fighter, or a master of Jujitsu. But I am saying that if you can’t physically protect the people God has entrusted to you, you’re a failure as a man and need to tighten up. You need to repent and make a course correction in your life.
That might be hard to hear, and I’m not trying to be a jerk, but it’s the truth. And men today need to hear that.
Now some people will fire back at me and say what about the smaller guy? Does that make him less masculine?
Absolutely not. I know huge guys that are weak little panzies and little guys who are tough as nails. In-fact, the worse butt-kicking I ever got was from a small nerdy quiet kid in HI school. He whooped me so fast I didn’t even know what was happening. And I deserved it. Don’t underestimate a little guy.
What about the guy who knows he can’t fight? Maybe it’s not lack for trying, but he’s just not skilled at fighting at all. Well, there is a great equalizer that levels the playing field. Whether you’re small in stature, or old, or crippled, or too fat to even tie your shoes, a firearm works the same for everyone. You can do your job and protect your family by responsibly owning a firearm and knowing how to use it.
All you have to do is hit the target. So, you need to know how they work and how to use them.
Maybe you’ll want a shotgun with birdshot that is less likely to go through a wall if you have small children in the home.
Maybe you want a rifle with stopping power if you live in the woods and are around bears or cougars.
Maybe you want a pistol for personal defense. Whatever you choose, make sure you’re comfortable with it and know how it operates. Go to your local firing range and ask questions. Fire off a few rounds and get to know how it feels and how it handles. Focus on the sight, with a blurry picture of the target, control your breathing, and slowly pull the trigger until it surprises you and fires. Do that a few times and you’ll be comfortable. Just hit the target.
Men Strengthen their Mind and Morals
The discipline it takes to increase your physical strength and abilities also has a dramatic effect on your mind and morals.
When you choose to resist comfort and embrace difficulty, you build strength and endurance. When you challenge your body and exert yourself past your comfortable limits, you improve your physical performance.
Here are a Few Questions you can ask about Improving Self-Discipline
Step on the scale. What does the scale say about your self-discipline?
Look at that number for a few seconds. What does that number say about you and your self-discipline?
Do you want to be known by that number?
Would you be proud of that number?
What does the mirror say about your self-discipline?
Does your body reflect the proper treatment of the body God gave you?
Do you want to be known by your reflection?
What does your bed and bathroom counter say about your self-discipline?
What does your car, your garage, and your tools say about your self-discipline?
How about your face? Comb your hair, brush your teeth, trim your beard.
Are your clothes folded in your dresser or are they just stuffed in a laundry basket on the floor?
What does your refrigerator and pantry say about your self-discipline?
Do you know what you eat and how much?
What does your bank account say about your self-discipline? Do you know where every dollar is going?
If you answer these questions honestly, you probably know you have some work to do. So where do you start?
First, Make a Plan
Ok, You’re too fat. Start with the very basic things that make you fat. This isn’t hard.
Write down what you eat and how much
Write down the calories
Start walking around the block after dinner every night
Do not eat anything after dinner
Do pushups every night or morning. Start with 10 and move up by 1 every day
Be consistent. Do this for a month and step on the scale again. If you had discipline, I guarantee you’ll lose weight.
This is how a plan works. You can do this with anything. It doesn’t have to be losing weight.
Discipline Your Mind
Men, you need to discipline your mind too, and think rationally and clearly. Do not let your emotions rule you, you must rule over your emotions.
Women are emotional creatures and men are logical creatures. Men who have no mental discipline and can’t control their emotions are malikos- soft and effeminate.
But realize that every thought you have is an opportunity to discipline your mind. Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. You have the authority and responsibility for the choices you subject your mind and your body to.
If you’re undisciplined and lazy and you make choices that do not challenge and sharpen your body, your body will be fat, soft, and mushy. Your mind reacts in a similar way. If you’re lazy and undisciplined and make choices that do not challenge and sharpen your mind, your mind will be fat, soft, and mushy.
What can you do? Same thing as before: make a plan.
Ask the same questions about your knowledge base or intelligence level. Your awareness of theology, history, and politics. Pick one and focus on it.
Read a book. Read and actually study Scripture. Read the verse, then read the paragraph, then read the chapter that verse in part of.
Ask what is that verse saying to the original audience?
Can history help me understand this text better?
What does this text say about Jesus?
You’ll be surprised how much you can learn from simply asking the text questions or interrogating it.
The most important thing to understand about disciplining your mind is that it’s the only way you can discipline your morals. Wherever your mind goes, your morals go too. Because your hands and feet only go where your head and heart have already been.
Discipline your Morals
Your morals will be formed by your attitude about the decisions you make. Today’s choices determine tomorrow’s morals. A biblically masculine man lives by his principles and disciplines his morals.
How can you do this? Again, have a plan and put it into action.
Speak plainly and clearly
Speak hard truths
Stand by the truth
Don’t back down
If you’re living in sin, it’s because you’ve allowed your mind to compromise your morality. And your compromised morality has allowed you to be comfortable with living in sin. And all that was your choice, and you’re responsible for your choices.
Call to Action
Make the decision to change your mind. Choose to discipline your body, your mind, and your morals. The Masculine Mandate is a requirement for every man, and it’s all about putting in your work, your attitude, and the application of biblical masculinity.
Make sure to subscribe on Spotify and Apple iTunes and leave us a 5-star review. You can also subscribe on YouTube @RegularManMinistry and Twitter @RegManMinistry. Leave us some comments, questions, suggestions for episodes, or even hate mail. I don’t care.
Until next time, be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, and be strong.
Regular Man Ministry embraces God’s gift of masculinity in the life of the regular man.
Remember: Read, Pray, Lift, and Shoot. Be strong in mind, spirit, and body.
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